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java [2017/06/16 22:13]
mgstauff created
java [2017/06/16 22:13] (current)
mgstauff [Memory]
Line 7: Line 7:
 To reign it in, specify a memory allocation as a command-line option when you compile java or run a java script/command. To reign it in, specify a memory allocation as a command-line option when you compile java or run a java script/command.
-=== Compiling ===+=== Compiling with Memory Limits ===
 To compile things with java on the cluster, one needs To compile things with java on the cluster, one needs
Line 13: Line 13:
 javac -J-Xmx123M javac -J-Xmx123M
-=== Running ===+=== Running with Memory Limits ===
 To run, To run,
java.1497651194.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/06/16 22:13 by mgstauff