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matlab_usage [2016/03/04 22:18]
mgstauff [Parallel-processing / Multi-threading Considerations]
matlab_usage [2018/02/06 20:44] (current)
mgstauff [Matlab Search Path]
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 If you need to replace the default CfN settings in your startup.m file, see /share/admin/matlab-startup-common.m on chead. If you need to replace the default CfN settings in your startup.m file, see /share/admin/matlab-startup-common.m on chead.
 +==== Matlab Search Path ====
 +To customize the Matlab search path, change your ~/matlab/startup.m file, or use the MATLABPATH environment variable:
 +Add the definition to your ~/.bash_profile file to have it load whenever you login.
 ==== Matlab via qsub batch jobs==== ==== Matlab via qsub batch jobs====
 You may need to run Matlab scripts in a qsub job. It's fairly easy. This command will run a series of Matlab commands from the command line (shell), which we can use in a qsub job script: You may need to run Matlab scripts in a qsub job. It's fairly easy. This command will run a series of Matlab commands from the command line (shell), which we can use in a qsub job script:
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 === Number of Workers === === Number of Workers ===
-When using Matlab's Parallel Toolbox, you generally must specify the number of workers to match the number of OGS/SGE slots requested by your job. To programmatically get the number of slots you requested, you can use the ''NSLOTS'' shell environment variable, or the matlab 'maxNumCompThreads' command.+When using Matlab's Parallel Toolbox, you generally must specify the number of workers to match the number of SGE slots requested by your job. To programmatically retrieve the number of slots/cores you requested for the current job, you can use the ''NSLOTS'' shell environment variable, or the matlab 'maxNumCompThreads' command.
 NOTE: Your jobs (qsub or qlogin) run on a single compute node for easier parallel processing, and each compute node has only 16 cores. So you don't want to ask for more than 16 slots (and thus matlab workers) for a job. But also note that asking for 16 slots meaning waiting for a compute node to be completely free before you can start your job. NOTE: Your jobs (qsub or qlogin) run on a single compute node for easier parallel processing, and each compute node has only 16 cores. So you don't want to ask for more than 16 slots (and thus matlab workers) for a job. But also note that asking for 16 slots meaning waiting for a compute node to be completely free before you can start your job.
matlab_usage.1457129927.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2016/03/04 22:18 by mgstauff