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matlab_usage [2018/02/01 18:40]
mgstauff [Parallel Toolbox Considerations]
matlab_usage [2018/02/06 20:44] (current)
mgstauff [Matlab Search Path]
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 If you need to replace the default CfN settings in your startup.m file, see /share/admin/matlab-startup-common.m on chead. If you need to replace the default CfN settings in your startup.m file, see /share/admin/matlab-startup-common.m on chead.
 +==== Matlab Search Path ====
 +To customize the Matlab search path, change your ~/matlab/startup.m file, or use the MATLABPATH environment variable:
 +Add the definition to your ~/.bash_profile file to have it load whenever you login.
 ==== Matlab via qsub batch jobs==== ==== Matlab via qsub batch jobs====
 You may need to run Matlab scripts in a qsub job. It's fairly easy. This command will run a series of Matlab commands from the command line (shell), which we can use in a qsub job script: You may need to run Matlab scripts in a qsub job. It's fairly easy. This command will run a series of Matlab commands from the command line (shell), which we can use in a qsub job script:
matlab_usage.1517510457.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2018/02/01 18:40 by mgstauff