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HCP (Human Connectome Project) Data set

Data Set

As of September 2016, we have the HCP S900 Data Release, version 2016-03-14.
See the HCP site for more details.
This data set falls under HCP's Open Access Data definition.

Behavioral Data

The S900 data set we have includes behavioral data that is covered by the Open Access terms. Additional behavioral data falls under HCP's Restricted Data category, and requires additional approval which is left to individual labs to obtain.

Getting Access on the Cluster

The data is at /data/HCP_data

There are three requirements to gain access to the data on the CfN cluster:

1) There is a $250/year fee for each lab/PI to use the data. This helps offset the costs of maintaining the data. Please have your PI send an email approving the fee for HCP data use. We'll charge the fee to the same BEN billing account used for your other cluster fees.

2) Each user who will be using the data in any way needs to agree to the HCP Data Use Terms and send proof to CfN cluster admins (see below).

3) Each user who will be using the data must agree to the Siemens Gradient Coefficient Use Terms, see below.

HCP Data Use Terms

All users of the data must accept the HCP Data Use Terms - specifically, the terms for Open Access Data. It is not sufficient for a single member of a lab/group to accept the terms and then have anyone else in the lab use the data. Every researcher who uses or views the data must agree to these terms.

IRB Approval Not Needed

We have spoken with Penn IRB and they do not require individual review by lab/PI/project for the use of the Open Access Data.

Agreeing to the Terms

1) Create an account with ConnectomeDB.

2) Login and accept terms for “WU-Minn HCP Data - 900 Subjects + 7T” on this page

3) Grab a screenshot showing you've accepted the terms, including your username in the upper-right corner, and the phrase “Open Access Terms Accepted” in the lower-left corner, as seen here:

4) Send the screenshot to CfN admins (along with the Siemens agreement, below)

Siemens Gradient Coefficient Use Terms

SC3T Prisma gradient coefficient files

The files stored under ./data/HCP_data/Siemens_Gradient_Coefficients on the CfN Cluster contain confidential information owned by Siemens. They are hosted on the CFN cluster for use in correcting for gradient nonlinearities. Do not copy or otherwise publish the contents of the files.

These corrections apply only to images generated on this particular machine at Penn (pending further clarification).

Along with your HPC Data Use Terms verification, send the following line to the CfN sysadmins, inserting your name:

I, <your name>, understand that the gradient coefficient files in /data/HCP_data/Siemens_Gradient_Coefficients are confidential and must not be copied or published.
hcp_data.1489605135.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/03/15 19:12 by mgstauff