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Matlab via qsub batch jobs

You may need to run Matlab scripts in a qsub job. It's fairly easy. This command will run a series of Matlab commands from the command line (shell), which we can use in a qsub job script:

matlab -nodisplay -r "a=[1 2 3]; disp(a); disp(a+1); exit" 


  • -nodisplay - this option tells Matlab to run in command-line mode, i.e. with no GUI windows
  • -r - this option tells Matlab to run the follow text as commands. This could be just the name of the matlab script (.m file) you want to run, for example. This text is the same as you would enter on the command line in the Matlab GUI window. Put a semicolon between commands.
  • exit - add 'exit' as the last command (e.g. after calling your matlab script) to make sure matlab exits when the script is finished

So if you put the above text in a file called matlabjob and run:

qsub matlabjob

you'll get the following output in your matlabjob.o<jobid> file (where <jobid> will be the job id of your run of qsub):

                                                < M A T L A B (R) >
                                      Copyright 1984-2013 The MathWorks, Inc.
                                        R2013a ( 64-bit (glnxa64)
                                                 February 15, 2013

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   1     2     3

   2     3     4
matlab_usage.1423087386.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/02/04 22:03 by mgstauff