====== Disk usage billing report generated 04-15-2017 ====== This report shows each "Billing Entity" we've identified. That is, each researcher or group that is responsible for usage fees associated with all users listed beneath them. **Please verify the users who have been assigned to you, and then indicate your acknowledgement [[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1xF2lnO5sShFNY2lashjft8D7nH5jfbyygKgIo0DMjDE/edit?usp=sharing|on this form]].** If there are errors, let us know before you sign the form: **Please also check** the [[disk_usage_billing_report#unknown|Unknown]] section and help us identify users for whom we haven't been able to identify a lab or group. Use the Table of Contents to the right to jump to the billing entity of interest. ====== admin ====== afxy - /data/afxy-jet-archive/ 0 G. Total for project afxy: 0 G ARCHIVE_data - Total for project ARCHIVE_data: 0 G ARCHIVE_home - /data/tesla-home/ARCHIVE 1 G. Total for project ARCHIVE_home: 1 G ARCHIVE_picsl - Total for directory ARCHIVE_picsl: 0 G cschrader - /data/tesla-data/cschrader 0 G. /data/tesla-home/cschrader <.5 G. /data/jet-archive/cschrader 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/jet/cschrader 6 G. Total for user cschrader: 7 G hwang3 - Hongzhi Wang /data/tesla-data/hwang3 218 G. /data/tesla-home/hwang3 4 G. /data/picsl/hwang3 607 G. /data/jet-archive/hwang3 0 G. Total for user hwang3: 829 G mgstauff - Michael Stauffer admin /data/tesla-data/mgstauff <.5 G. /data/tesla-home/mgstauff <.5 G. /data/picsl/mgstauff <.5 G. /data/jet/mgstauff 0 G. Total for user mgstauff: <.5 G r4seniordesign - XNAT cluster user /data/tesla-data/r4seniordesign 0 G. /data/tesla-home/r4seniordesign <.5 G. /data/picsl/r4seniordesign 2970 G. Total for user r4seniordesign: 2970 G rzorger - Richard Zorger /data/jag/rzorger 0 G. /data/jet/rzorger 0 G. Total for user rzorger: 0 G testuser - testuser /data/jet/testuser 0 G. Total for user testuser: 0 G xnat - /data/tesla-data/xnat <.5 G. /data/tesla-home/xnat <.5 G. Total for user xnat: <.5 G Total for billing entity admin: 3808 G ====== Ashtari, Manzar ====== mashtari - /data/jag/mashtari 134 G. Total for user mashtari: 134 G Total for billing entity Ashtari: 134 G ====== Avants, Brian ====== avants - Brian Avants /data/tesla-data/avants 798 G. /data/tesla-home/avants 2 G. /data/picsl/avants 0 G. /data/jet/avants 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/jet/avants 191 G. /mnt/data/archive/xjet/avants 114 G. /mnt/data/archive/picsl/avants 388 G. Total for user avants: 1493 G BD2K01 - /data/jag/BD2K01 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/jag/BD2K01 0 G. Total for project BD2K01: 0 G sajoco - /mnt/data/archive/ajet/sajoco <.5 G. Total for user sajoco: <.5 G shera - David M. Shera /data/jet/shera 0 G. /data/jet-archive/shera 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/jet/shera <.5 G. Total for user shera: <.5 G Total for billing entity Avants: 1494 G ====== Bassett, Danielle ====== aashourvan - /data/jag/aashourvan 100 G. Total for user aashourvan: 100 G akahn - Ari Kahn /data/jag/akahn 0 G. Total for user akahn: 0 G akhambhati - /data/jag/akhambhati 28 G. Total for user akhambhati: 28 G amurphy - /data/jag/amurphy 88 G. Total for user amurphy: 88 G Bassett_lab - /data/jag/bassett-lab 6793 G. Total for project Bassett_lab: 6793 G dbassett - Danielle Bassett /data/jag/dbassett 0 G. Total for user dbassett: 0 G dlee - /data/picsl/dlee 105 G. Total for user dlee: 105 G dschonhaut - /data/picsl/dschonhaut 0 G. Total for user dschonhaut: 0 G dwhite - /data/jag/dwhite 0 G. Total for user dwhite: 0 G etang - /data/jag/etang 0 G. Total for user etang: 0 G ewuyan - /data/picsl/ewuyan 0 G. Total for user ewuyan: 0 G gus - Shi Gu (gus@sas.upenn.edu) - Jim Gee /data/tesla-data/gus 0 G. /data/tesla-home/gus <.5 G. /data/picsl/gus 46 G. Total for user gus: 46 G kmohan - /data/picsl/kmohan 2 G. Total for user kmohan: 2 G lwiles - Laura Wiles /data/jag/lwiles 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/jag/lwiles 1 G. Total for user lwiles: 1 G mattar2 - /data/jag/mattar2 0 G. Total for user mattar2: 0 G preddy - /data/jag/preddy 0 G. Total for user preddy: 0 G rbetzel - /data/jag/rbetzel <.5 G. Total for user rbetzel: <.5 G stompson - /data/picsl/stompson 0 G. Total for user stompson: 0 G yzhu - /data/jag/yzhu 0 G. Total for user yzhu: 0 G Total for billing entity Bassett: 7163 G ====== Brannon, Elizabeth ====== brannon_group - /data/jag/brannon_group 439 G. Total for project brannon_group: 439 G Total for billing entity Brannon: 439 G ====== Burdick, Jason ====== sdorsey - Shauna Dorsey /data/jet-archive/sdorsey 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/jet/sdorsey 4 G. Total for user sdorsey: 4 G Total for billing entity Burdick: 4 G ====== Buxbaum, Laurel ====== buxbauml - Buxbauml /data/jet-archive/buxbauml 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/jet/buxbauml 5 G. Total for user buxbauml: 5 G Total for billing entity Buxbaum: 5 G ====== Chatterjee, Anjan ====== ajamrozik - Anja Jamrozik /data/tesla-data/ajamrozik 0 G. Total for user ajamrozik: 0 G ealawi - Eliza Alawi /data/jet/ealawi 1 G. Total for user ealawi: 1 G eica - /data/jet/eica 84 G. /mnt/data/archive/ajet/eica <.5 G. Total for user eica: 84 G erogers - Emily Rogers /data/jag/erogers 0 G. Total for user erogers: 0 G jptacek - /data/jag/jptacek 0 G. Total for user jptacek: 0 G lquandt - Lorna Quandt /data/jet/lquandt 47 G. Total for user lquandt: 47 G mmcquire - Marguerite McQuire /data/jet-archive/mmcquire 0 G. Total for user mmcquire: 0 G nklooster - /data/picsl/nklooster 0 G. Total for user nklooster: 0 G shumphries - /data/picsl/shumphries 0 G. Total for user shumphries: 0 G sweisberg - Steve Weisberg /data/jag/sweisberg 799 G. Total for user sweisberg: 799 G Total for billing entity Chatterjee: 930 G ====== Coslett, H. Branch ====== coslett - /data/jag/coslett 21 G. Total for user coslett: 21 G dpustina - Dorian Pustina /data/jag/dpustina 64 G. Total for user dpustina: 64 G faseyitan - /data/jet/faseyitan 692 G. /mnt/data/archive/ajet/faseyitan 473 G. Total for user faseyitan: 1165 G postmanw - /mnt/data/archive/ajet/postmanw 74 G. Total for user postmanw: 74 G zhengjun - Zhengjun Li /data/jet/zhengjun 200 G. /data/jag/zhengjun 1609 G. Total for user zhengjun: 1809 G Total for billing entity Coslett: 3133 G ====== Davis, Kathryn ====== cotoc - Carlos Coto /data/jag/cotoc 0 G. Total for user cotoc: 0 G daviska - Kathryn Davis - neuroengineering /data/jet/daviska 1803 G. Total for user daviska: 1803 G dkersen - /data/jag/dkersen 0 G. Total for user dkersen: 0 G hgatens - /data/jag/hgatens <.5 G. Total for user hgatens: <.5 G jstein - /data/jag/jstein 0 G. Total for user jstein: 0 G mgelfand - Michael Gelfand /data/jet/mgelfand 0 G. Total for user mgelfand: 0 G phadar - /data/jag/phadar 0 G. Total for user phadar: 0 G pshah - /data/jag/pshah 0 G. Total for user pshah: 0 G Total for billing entity Davis: 1803 G ====== Detre, John ====== accasl - /data/jag/accasl 0 G. Total for user accasl: 0 G akadivar - /data/jet/akadivar 0 G. /data/jet-archive/akadivar 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/jet/akadivar <.5 G. Total for user akadivar: <.5 G angela42 - angela hoang /mnt/data/archive/fjet/angela42 65 G. Total for user angela42: 65 G appl - /data/jet/appl 1 G. Total for project appl: 1 G arabinowitz - Amanda Rabinowitz /data/jet/arabinowitz 286 G. Total for user arabinowitz: 286 G david - /mnt/data/archive/fjet/david 36 G. Total for user david: 36 G detre - John Detre /data/jet-archive/detre 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/jet/detre 16 G. Total for user detre: 16 G dhu - Dongbo Hu /data/picsl/dhu 0 G. /data/jet/dhu 0 G. /data/jet-archive/dhu 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/jet/dhu 1 G. /mnt/data/archive/picsl/dhu <.5 G. Total for user dhu: 1 G dkumar - /data/jag/dkumar 0 G. Total for user dkumar: 0 G glymphatic_project - /data/jag/detre_group 275 G. Total for project glymphatic_project: 275 G jennie - /data/jet-archive/jennie 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/ajet/jennie 143 G. /mnt/data/archive/jet/jennie 74 G. Total for user jennie: 217 G jwang - Jiongjiong Wang /data/jet/jwang 0 G. /data/jet-archive/jwang 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/jet/jwang 284 G. Total for user jwang: 284 G jware - /data/jag/jware 284 G. Total for user jware: 284 G kfriberg - /data/jag/kfriberg 0 G. Total for user kfriberg: 0 G liuh - Hua-Shan Liu /data/jet/liuh 10 G. Total for user liuh: 10 G melliott - Mark Elliott /data/jet/melliott 0 G. Total for user melliott: 0 G mjumbewu - Mjumbe Poe /mnt/data/archive/fjet/mjumbewu 11 G. Total for user mjumbewu: 11 G mkorczykowski - marc korczykowski /data/jet-archive/mkorczykowski 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/jet/mkorczykowski 0 G. Total for user mkorczykowski: 0 G mtobita - Mari Tobita /data/jet/mtobita 0 G. /data/jet-archive/mtobita 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/jet/mtobita 31 G. Total for user mtobita: 31 G mvidorreta - Marta Vidorreta /data/jag/mvidorreta 3071 G. Total for user mvidorreta: 3071 G rijuray - /data/jet/rijuray 0 G. /data/jet-archive/rijuray 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/jet/rijuray 36 G. Total for user rijuray: 36 G rupal - Rupal Bhavsar /data/jet/rupal 235 G. Total for user rupal: 235 G scravis - Joseph Sullivan /data/jet/scravis 0 G. /data/jet-archive/scravis 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/jet/scravis 8 G. Total for user scravis: 8 G sdolui - Sudipto Dolui /data/tesla-data/sdolui 0 G. /data/tesla-home/sdolui <.5 G. /data/picsl/sdolui <.5 G. /data/jet/sdolui 767 G. Total for user sdolui: 767 G sglynn - Simon Glynn /mnt/data/archive/fjet/sglynn 168 G. /mnt/data/archive/yjet/sglynn 214 G. Total for user sglynn: 382 G tcoye - /data/jag/tcoye 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/jag/tcoye 7 G. Total for user tcoye: 7 G vidorreta_group - /data/picsl/vidorreta_group 1 G. Total for project vidorreta_group: 1 G wangzhuo - Zhuo Jimmy Wang /data/jet-archive/wangzhuo 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/jet/wangzhuo 3 G. Total for user wangzhuo: 3 G xran - /data/jag/xran 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/jag/xran 1434 G. Total for user xran: 1434 G ychang - Yulin Chang /data/jag/ychang 104 G. Total for user ychang: 104 G yshao - /data/jag/yshao 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/jag/yshao 238 G. Total for user yshao: 238 G zhangquan - Quan Zhang /data/jet-archive/zhangquan 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/jet/zhangquan 36 G. Total for user zhangquan: 36 G zwang - Ze Wang /data/jet/zwang 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/jet/zwang 586 G. Total for user zwang: 586 G Total for billing entity Detre: 8424 G ====== Epstein, Russell ====== ahafri - Alon Hafri /data/jet/ahafri 385 G. Total for user ahafri: 385 G akeinath - /data/jag/akeinath 84 G. Total for user akeinath: 84 G cangeloni - Chris Angeloni /data/jag/cangeloni <.5 G. Total for user cangeloni: <.5 G jjulian - Joshua Julian /data/jet/jjulian 1265 G. Total for user jjulian: 1265 G lmo - Lindsay Vass (Morgan) /data/jet/lmo 1807 G. Total for user lmo: 1807 G macevoy - /mnt/data/archive/yjet/macevoy 758 G. Total for user macevoy: 758 G michafra - Michael Bonner /data/jet/michafra 66 G. Total for user michafra: 66 G molkkonen - Maria Olkkonen /data/jet/molkkonen 329 G. Total for user molkkonen: 329 G pbryan - Peter Bryan /data/jag/pbryan 95 G. Total for user pbryan: 95 G sliapis - /data/jag/sliapis 144 G. Total for user sliapis: 144 G stevenmarchette - Steven Marchette Epstein Lab group /data/jet/stevenmarchette 1116 G. Total for user stevenmarchette: 1116 G tpegors - Teresa K Pegors /data/jet/tpegors 0 G. /mnt/data/data-temp-working/tpegors 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/jet/tpegors 598 G. Total for user tpegors: 598 G Total for billing entity Epstein: 6648 G ====== Farah, Martha ====== gnichols - Thomas Tonner A. Nichols /data/jet/gnichols 11 G. Total for user gnichols: 11 G jcamins - Joshua Camins /data/tesla-data/jcamins 0 G. /data/tesla-home/jcamins <.5 G. /data/picsl/jcamins 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/picsl/jcamins <.5 G. Total for user jcamins: <.5 G mfarah - Martha Farah /data/tesla-data/mfarah 5 G. /data/tesla-home/mfarah <.5 G. /data/picsl/mfarah 1843 G. /data/jag/mfarah 678 G. Total for user mfarah: 2526 G ntustison - /data/jag/ntustison 0 G. Total for user ntustison: 0 G Total for billing entity Farah: 2536 G ====== Farrar, John ====== avalcarcel - /data/picsl/avalcarcel 0 G. Total for user avalcarcel: 0 G Total for billing entity Farrar: 0 G ====== Gee, James ====== bkandel - Ben Kandel /data/tesla-data/bkandel 51 G. /data/tesla-home/bkandel 8 G. /data/picsl/bkandel 0 G. /data/jet/bkandel 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/jet/bkandel 124 G. /mnt/data/archive/picsl/bkandel 190 G. Total for user bkandel: 373 G dlindsay - wd.lindsay@gmail.com /data/tesla-data/dlindsay 0 G. /data/tesla-home/dlindsay <.5 G. /data/picsl/dlindsay 81 G. Total for user dlindsay: 81 G gee - James Gee /data/tesla-data/gee 51 G. /data/tesla-home/gee <.5 G. /data/picsl/gee 7 G. Total for user gee: 59 G jtduda - Jeff Duda /data/tesla-data/jtduda <.5 G. /data/tesla-home/jtduda <.5 G. /data/picsl/jtduda 2048 G. /data/jet/jtduda 0 G. Total for user jtduda: 2048 G mchen - /data/jag/mchen <.5 G. Total for user mchen: <.5 G pcook - Philip Cook /data/tesla-data/pcook 211 G. /data/tesla-home/pcook 3 G. /data/picsl/pcook 573 G. /data/jet/pcook 144 G. Total for user pcook: 931 G susana - Susana /mnt/data/archive/fjet/susana 101 G. Total for user susana: 101 G yixin - Yi Xin /data/tesla-data/yixin 0 G. /data/tesla-home/yixin <.5 G. /data/picsl/yixin 883 G. Total for user yixin: 883 G yuanjiez - Yuanjiez Zheng /data/tesla-data/yuanjiez 14 G. /data/tesla-home/yuanjiez 17 G. /data/picsl/yuanjiez 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/picsl/yuanjiez 554 G. Total for user yuanjiez: 585 G Total for billing entity Gee: 5060 G ====== Gee, James (resident training) ====== arauschecker - /data/picsl/arauschecker 38 G. Total for user arauschecker: 38 G jrudie - /data/jag/jrudie 0 G. Total for user jrudie: 0 G Total for billing entity Gee_training: 38 G ====== Grossman, Murray ====== aprice - Amy Price /data/jet-archive/aprice 0 G. Total for user aprice: 0 G ash - Sherry Ash /data/jet-archive/ash 0 G. Total for user ash: 0 G caugolm - Chris Olm /data/tesla-data/caugolm 0 G. /data/tesla-home/caugolm <.5 G. /data/picsl/caugolm 1 G. /data/jet/caugolm 8 G. Total for user caugolm: 9 G caugolm_ADNI - /data/jet-archive/caugolm_ADNI 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/jet/caugolm_ADNI 247 G. Total for project caugolm_ADNI: 247 G chivon - /data/jet-archive/chivon 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/jet/chivon 1 G. Total for user chivon: 1 G coreymc - Corey McMillan /data/picsl/coreymc 745 G. Total for user coreymc: 745 G fmin - Faye Min /data/jet/fmin 0 G. Total for user fmin: 0 G grossman - /data/tesla-data/grossman 0 G. /data/tesla-home/grossman <.5 G. /data/picsl/grossman 0 G. /data/grossman 21817 G. /data/jet/grossman 0 G. Total for user grossman: 21817 G grosspeople - /data/jet/grosspeople 6269 G. /mnt/data/archive/fjet/grosspeople 212 G. Total for project grosspeople: 6481 G jfoster - Jackson Foster /data/jet/jfoster 0 G. Total for user jfoster: 0 G jopow - John Powers /data/jet/jopow 0 G. Total for user jopow: 0 G jphillips - Jeffrey Phillips /data/tesla-data/jphillips 0 G. /data/tesla-home/jphillips <.5 G. /data/picsl/jphillips <.5 G. /data/jet/jphillips 18 G. Total for user jphillips: 18 G kcousins - Katie Cousins /data/jag/kcousins 0 G. Total for user kcousins: 0 G kran - Kathy Ran /data/tesla-data/kran 0 G. /data/tesla-home/kran <.5 G. /data/picsl/kran <.5 G. /data/jet/kran 0 G. Total for user kran: <.5 G kternes - Kylie Ternes /data/tesla-data/kternes 0 G. /data/tesla-home/kternes <.5 G. /data/picsl/kternes <.5 G. /data/jag/kternes 0 G. Total for user kternes: <.5 G lbaehr - l. baehr /data/tesla-data/lbaehr 0 G. /data/tesla-home/lbaehr <.5 G. /data/picsl/lbaehr <.5 G. /data/jet/lbaehr 0 G. Total for user lbaehr: <.5 G lisenberg - Lisette Isenberg /data/tesla-data/lisenberg 0 G. /data/tesla-home/lisenberg <.5 G. /data/picsl/lisenberg 1 G. /data/jet/lisenberg 55 G. Total for user lisenberg: 56 G lmassimo - Lauren Massimo /data/jet-archive/lmassimo 0 G. Total for user lmassimo: 0 G mgrossman - Murray Grossman contact Phil Cook or Brian Avants /data/tesla-data/mgrossman <.5 G. /data/tesla-home/mgrossman <.5 G. /data/picsl/mgrossman 24 G. Total for user mgrossman: 24 G mhealey - Meghan Healey /data/tesla-data/mhealey 0 G. /data/tesla-home/mhealey <.5 G. /data/picsl/mhealey <.5 G. /data/jet/mhealey 22 G. Total for user mhealey: 22 G mriadmin - Grossman Lab /data/jet-archive/mriadmin 0 G. Total for user mriadmin: 0 G nlim - NICHOLAS LIM /data/jet/nlim 9 G. Total for user nlim: 9 G nnevler - /data/jag/nnevler 0 G. Total for user nnevler: 0 G nspotorno - Nicola Spotorno /data/tesla-data/nspotorno 0 G. /data/tesla-home/nspotorno <.5 G. /data/picsl/nspotorno <.5 G. /data/jet/nspotorno 0 G. Total for user nspotorno: <.5 G ogantz - Owen Gantz /data/tesla-data/ogantz 0 G. /data/tesla-home/ogantz <.5 G. /data/picsl/ogantz 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/picsl/ogantz <.5 G. Total for user ogantz: <.5 G placekk - Katerina Placek Total for user placekk: 0 G sheim - Stefan Heim /data/jet/sheim 0 G. Total for user sheim: 0 G ssantos - Susana Novais-Santos /data/jet-archive/ssantos 0 G. Total for user ssantos: 0 G tbisbing - Teagan Bisbing /data/jet/tbisbing 0 G. Total for user tbisbing: 0 G troiani - Vanessa Troiani /data/jet-archive/troiani 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/fjet/troiani 26 G. /mnt/data/archive/jet/troiani 74 G. Total for user troiani: 100 G winkhai - Khaing Win /data/tesla-data/winkhai 0 G. /data/tesla-home/winkhai <.5 G. /data/picsl/winkhai 267 G. Total for user winkhai: 267 G ysl - Yune Lee /data/jet/ysl 878 G. Total for user ysl: 878 G Total for billing entity Grossman: 30674 G ====== Gur, Raquel ====== BBL - /data/joy/BBL 37757 G. Total for project BBL: 37757 G BBL-extend - /data/joy/BBL-extend 263 G. Total for project BBL-extend: 263 G egennatas - Stathis Gennatas /data/jag/egennatas 0 G. Total for user egennatas: 0 G gbaum - Graham Baum /data/tesla-data/gbaum 0 G. /data/tesla-home/gbaum <.5 G. /data/picsl/gbaum <.5 G. /data/jag/gbaum 191 G. Total for user gbaum: 191 G hxia - /data/jag/hxia 0 G. Total for user hxia: 0 G mfinkel - Mack Finkel /data/jet/mfinkel 3 G. Total for user mfinkel: 3 G sattertt - Ted Satterthwaite /data/jet/sattertt 4 G. Total for user sattertt: 4 G Total for billing entity Gur: 38220 G ====== Hamilton, Roy ====== dharvey - denise harvey /data/jag/dharvey 0 G. Total for user dharvey: 0 G rhamilton - /data/jag/rhamilton 0 G. Total for user rhamilton: 0 G thomasam - amy thomas thomasam@mail.med.upenn.edu /data/jet-archive/thomasam 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/jet/thomasam 21 G. Total for user thomasam: 21 G Total for billing entity Hamilton: 21 G ====== Kable, Joseph ====== cglaze - Chris Glaze /data/jag/cglaze 0 G. Total for user cglaze: 0 G kable - /data/jet/kable 4918 G. Total for user kable: 4918 G marieta - Marieta Pehlivanova /data/jet-archive/marieta 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/jet/marieta 36 G. Total for user marieta: 36 G mcguirej - Joe McGuire /data/jet/mcguirej 99 G. Total for user mcguirej: 99 G mmcconnell - Mairead McConnell /data/jet/mmcconnell 0 G. Total for user mmcconnell: 0 G mnassar - Matt Nassar /data/jet/mnassar 103 G. Total for user mnassar: 103 G rkazinka - Rebecca Kazinka /data/jet-archive/rkazinka 0 G. Total for user rkazinka: 0 G slee - Sangil (Arthur) Lee /data/jet/slee <.5 G. Total for user slee: <.5 G tparth - Trishala Parthasarathi /data/jet/tparth 0 G. Total for user tparth: 0 G wjung - Wi Hoon Jung /data/jet/wjung 0 G. Total for user wjung: 0 G ylinda - Yu Linda /data/jet/ylinda 14 G. Total for user ylinda: 14 G Total for billing entity Kable: 5170 G ====== Kim, Junghoon ====== kimj - Junghoon Kim /data/tesla-data/kimj 0 G. /data/tesla-home/kimj <.5 G. /data/picsl/kimj 93 G. /data/jet/kimj 47 G. Total for user kimj: 140 G Total for billing entity Kim_J: 140 G ====== Langleben, Daniel ====== langleben_group - /data/jag/langleben_group 0 G. Total for project langleben_group: 0 G Total for billing entity Langleben: 0 G ====== Loughead, James ====== bbcp - /data/jag/bbcp 10420 G. Total for project bbcp: 10420 G bloyl - Luke Bloy /data/jet/bloyl 0 G. Total for user bloyl: 0 G ehoi - Elise Hoi /data/jet/ehoi 0 G. Total for user ehoi: 0 G jloughead - James Loughead /data/jet/jloughead 0 G. Total for user jloughead: 0 G kathyt - Kathy Tang /mnt/data/archive/fjet/kathyt 78 G. Total for user kathyt: 78 G turgidson - E. Paul Wileyto /data/jet-archive/turgidson 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/jet/turgidson <.5 G. Total for user turgidson: <.5 G wcao - Wen Cao /data/jet/wcao <.5 G. Total for user wcao: <.5 G Total for billing entity Loughead: 10499 G ====== Mackey, Allyson ====== Mackey_group - /data/picsl/mackey_group/ 809 G. Total for project Mackey_group: 809 G Total for billing entity Mackey: 809 G ====== Medaglia, John ====== akelkar - /data/picsl/akelkar 29 G. Total for user akelkar: 29 G akostiuk - /data/jag/akostiuk <.5 G. Total for user akostiuk: <.5 G jmedaglia - John Medaglia /data/jag/jmedaglia 1811 G. Total for user jmedaglia: 1811 G lstclair - /data/picsl/lstclair 0 G. Total for user lstclair: 0 G Total for billing entity Medaglia: 1840 G ====== Aguirre, Geoffrey ====== abock - Andrew Bock /data/jet/abock 1312 G. Total for user abock: 1312 G adpedms - Blake Dewey /data/jag/adpedms 2 G. Total for user adpedms: 2 G aguirre - Geoff Aguirre /data/jet/aguirre 2763 G. Total for user aguirre: 2763 G aolsen - /data/jag/aolsen 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/jag/aolsen 209 G. Total for user aolsen: 209 G ddrucker - /data/jet/ddrucker 0 G. /data/jet-archive/ddrucker 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/jet/ddrucker 124 G. Total for user ddrucker: 124 G gfrazzetta - /data/jag/gfrazzetta 27 G. Total for user gfrazzetta: 27 G jryan - Jack Ryan /data/jet/jryan 306 G. Total for user jryan: 306 G kerr - Wesley Kerr /data/jag/kerr 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/jag/kerr 157 G. Total for user kerr: 157 G mattar - Marcelo Gomes Mattar /data/jet/mattar 1315 G. Total for user mattar: 1315 G mbarnett - /data/picsl/mbarnett 0 G. Total for user mbarnett: 0 G mcarter - Marie Carter /data/jag/mcarter <.5 G. Total for user mcarter: <.5 G MELA - /data/jag/MELA 4755 G. Total for project MELA: 4755 G mspitschan - Manuel Spitschan /data/jag/mspitschan 0 G. Total for user mspitschan: 0 G rito - Ritobrato Datta /data/jet/rito 0 G. Total for user rito: 0 G schinazi - Victor Schinazi /mnt/data/archive/ajet/schinazi 74 G. Total for user schinazi: 74 G Total for billing entity MELA: 11044 G ====== Radiology ====== neurorad - Neuroradilogy shared acct - Sumei Wang is in charge Feb 2015 /data/jet/neurorad 360 G. Total for user neurorad: 360 G Total for billing entity Radiology: 360 G ====== Rao, Hengyi ====== aspaeth - Andrea Spaeth /data/jag/aspaeth 0 G. Total for user aspaeth: 0 G fyang - /data/jag/fyang 132 G. Total for user fyang: 132 G kprehn - Kristin Prehn /data/jag/kprehn 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/jag/kprehn 36 G. Total for user kprehn: 36 G nma - Ning Ma /data/jet/nma 114 G. Total for user nma: 114 G rhy - Rao Hengyi /data/jet/rhy 666 G. /mnt/data/archive/ajet/rhy 203 G. Total for user rhy: 869 G schnej - Jason Schneiderman /data/jet/schnej 3 G. Total for user schnej: 3 G sxu - /data/jag/sxu 0 G. Total for user sxu: 0 G xzhang - Xiaocui Zhang /data/jet/xzhang <.5 G. /mnt/data/archive/ajet/xzhang 3 G. Total for user xzhang: 3 G zhuofang - Zhuo Fang /data/jet/zhuofang 414 G. Total for user zhuofang: 414 G Total for billing entity Rao: 1572 G ====== Romer, Dan ====== aadebimpe - /data/jag/aadebimpe 7 G. Total for user aadebimpe: 7 G Total for billing entity Romer: 7 G ====== Sheline, Yvette ====== cnds - /data/jag/cnds 9669 G. Total for project cnds: 9669 G emikkelsen - Eli Mikkelsen /data/jet/emikkelsen 0 G. Total for user emikkelsen: 0 G esatchell - Emma Satchell /data/jag/esatchell <.5 G. Total for user esatchell: <.5 G ysheline - Yvette Sheline /data/jet/ysheline 0 G. Total for user ysheline: 0 G Total for billing entity Sheline: 9669 G ====== Thompson-Schill, Sharon ====== afamiliar - /data/picsl/afamiliar 0 G. /data/jag/afamiliar 2 G. Total for user afamiliar: 2 G apersi - Andrew Persichetti apersi@sas.upenn.edu /data/jet/apersi 50 G. Total for user apersi: 50 G chboylan - Christine Boylan /data/jet-archive/chboylan 0 G. Total for user chboylan: 0 G coumarc - /data/jet/coumarc 0 G. Total for user coumarc: 0 G dkraemer - /data/jet-archive/dkraemer 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/jet/dkraemer 36 G. Total for user dkraemer: 36 G dmorales - Dawn Morales /data/jet/dmorales 0 G. Total for user dmorales: 0 G heberlei - Andrea Heberlein /mnt/data/archive/fjet/heberlei 2 G. Total for user heberlei: 2 G hmatheson - Heath Matheson /data/jag/hmatheson 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/jag/hmatheson 58 G. Total for user hmatheson: 58 G iolson - Ingrid Olson /mnt/data/archive/fjet/iolson 214 G. Total for user iolson: 214 G jkroff - Jorge Valdes Kroff /data/jet/jkroff 10 G. Total for user jkroff: 10 G jstiso - /data/picsl/jstiso 819 G. Total for user jstiso: 819 G kgraves - /data/picsl/kgraves 0 G. Total for user kgraves: 0 G lila - Evangelia Chrysikou /mnt/data/archive/xjet/lila 87 G. Total for user lila: 87 G lmusz - Lisa Musz /data/jet/lmusz 575 G. Total for user lmusz: 575 G lupyan - /mnt/data/archive/ajet/lupyan 11 G. Total for user lupyan: 11 G mbedny - Marina Bedny /mnt/data/archive/fjet/mbedny 79 G. Total for user mbedny: 79 G mjohnson - /data/jag/mjohnson 0 G. Total for user mjohnson: 0 G mweb - Matt Weber /data/jet/mweb 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/jet/mweb 375 G. Total for user mweb: 375 G ninash - Nina S Hsu /data/jet/ninash 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/jet/ninash 192 G. Total for user ninash: 192 G nozari - N Bonnie Nozari nozari@sas.upenn.edu /data/jet-archive/nozari 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/jet/nozari 7 G. Total for user nozari: 7 G ntardiff - /data/jag/ntardiff 0 G. Total for user ntardiff: 0 G prabhakr - /mnt/data/archive/xjet/prabhakr 166 G. Total for user prabhakr: 166 G robg - /data/jet-archive/robg 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/jet/robg 18 G. Total for user robg: 18 G roliver - Robyn Oliver /data/jet-archive/roliver 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/jet/roliver 74 G. Total for user roliver: 74 G rwittenberg - Ruthie Wittenberg /data/jag/rwittenberg 0 G. /data/picsl/rwittenberg 1229 G. Total for user rwittenberg: 1229 G smartinez - Siera Martinez /data/jag/smartinez 0 G. Total for user smartinez: 0 G ssolomon - Sarah Solomon /data/jet/ssolomon 7 G. Total for user ssolomon: 7 G stevenfr - /mnt/data/archive/fjet/stevenfr 38 G. Total for user stevenfr: 38 G thothatm - /mnt/data/archive/xjet/thothatm 41 G. Total for user thothatm: 41 G ykenett - /data/picsl/ykenett 1741 G. Total for user ykenett: 1741 G zbalewski - Zuzanna Balewski /data/jag/zbalewski 0 G. Total for user zbalewski: 0 G Total for billing entity Thompson-Schill: 5831 G ====== Tisdall, Dylan ====== dtisdal - /data/picsl/dtisdal 26 G. Total for user dtisdal: 26 G Total for billing entity Tisdall: 26 G ====== Aguirre, Geoffrey ====== TOME - /data/jag/TOME 2657 G. Total for project TOME: 2657 G Total for billing entity TOME: 2657 G ====== Marked to be removed ====== adwoods - Adam J. Woods adwoods@mail.med.upenn.edu /data/jet/adwoods 0 G. Total for user adwoods: 0 G aglenn - Adrea Glenn /data/jet-archive/aglenn 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/jet/aglenn 10 G. /mnt/data/archive/xjet/aglenn <.5 G. Total for user aglenn: 10 G alram - /data/tesla-data/alram 0 G. /data/tesla-home/alram 0 G. /data/picsl/alram 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/picsl/alram <.5 G. Total for user alram: <.5 G amorapan - Prin Amorapanth /data/jet-archive/amorapan 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/jet/amorapan 45 G. Total for user amorapan: 45 G baohua - Baohua Wu baohua@seas.upenn.edu /data/tesla-data/baohua 0 G. /data/tesla-home/baohua 0 G. /data/picsl/baohua 0 G. Total for user baohua: 0 G bshowalter - Brent Showalter /data/tesla-data/bshowalter 0 G. /data/tesla-home/bshowalter 0 G. /data/picsl/bshowalter 0 G. /data/jet/bshowalter 0 G. Total for user bshowalter: 0 G dparker - Drew Parker /data/jet/dparker 0 G. Total for user dparker: 0 G earslan - Evren Arslan earslan@sakarya.edu.tr /data/jet-archive/earslan 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/jet/earslan 46 G. Total for user earslan: 46 G eavery - Ekene Avery /data/jet/eavery 0 G. Total for user eavery: 0 G eduardo - /data/jet-archive/eduardo 0 G. Total for user eduardo: 0 G evan - Evan Chen /data/jet-archive/evan 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/jet/evan 35 G. Total for user evan: 35 G eward - Emily Ward /data/jet-archive/eward 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/jet/eward 266 G. Total for user eward: 266 G ewencil - /data/jet-archive/ewencil 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/jet/ewencil 144 G. Total for user ewencil: 144 G gkaremore - gopal karemore gopal.karemore@uphs.upenn.edu /data/tesla-data/gkaremore 0 G. /data/tesla-home/gkaremore <.5 G. /data/picsl/gkaremore 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/picsl/gkaremore 5 G. Total for user gkaremore: 5 G gongbold - Jeff Duda project account /data/tesla-data/gongbold 0 G. /data/tesla-home/gongbold 0 G. /data/picsl/gongbold 0 G. Total for user gongbold: 0 G gzheng - Gang Zheng /data/jet/gzheng 0 G. Total for user gzheng: 0 G hsohn - Hyoun Ju Sohn /data/jet/hsohn 0 G. Total for user hsohn: 0 G jjwang - /data/tesla-data/jjwang 68 G. /data/tesla-home/jjwang <.5 G. /data/picsl/jjwang 0 G. Total for user jjwang: 68 G jmuehlhaus - Juliane Muehlhaus /data/jet/jmuehlhaus 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/jet/jmuehlhaus 46 G. Total for user jmuehlhaus: 46 G jonyu - Jonathan Yu /data/jet/jonyu 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/jet/jonyu 4 G. Total for user jonyu: 4 G julianzl - /data/jet-archive/julianzl 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/jet/julianzl 179 G. /mnt/data/archive/xjet/julianzl 29 G. Total for user julianzl: 208 G jyan - Jianjun Yan /data/tesla-data/jyan 0 G. /data/tesla-home/jyan 0 G. /data/picsl/jyan 0 G. Total for user jyan: 0 G kanee - /data/jet-archive/kanee 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/jet/kanee 1 G. Total for user kanee: 1 G kofke - W Andrew Kofke MD /data/jet/kofke 0 G. Total for user kofke: 0 G lehetm - Matthew Lehet. lehetm@mail.med.upenn.edu /data/jet-archive/lehetm 0 G. Total for user lehetm: 0 G licheng - Li /data/jet-archive/licheng 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/jet/licheng 39 G. Total for user licheng: 39 G luftig - Dan Luftig /data/jet-archive/luftig 0 G. Total for user luftig: 0 G marsm - /data/jet-archive/marsm 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/jet/marsm 125 G. Total for user marsm: 125 G mgalperin - Maya Galperin-Aizenberg /data/tesla-data/mgalperin 0 G. /data/tesla-home/mgalperin <.5 G. /data/picsl/mgalperin 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/picsl/mgalperin <.5 G. Total for user mgalperin: <.5 G miraj - /data/tesla-data/miraj 0 G. /data/tesla-home/miraj <.5 G. /data/picsl/miraj 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/picsl/miraj 73 G. Total for user miraj: 73 G mmaguire - Max Maguire wmm5035@gmail.com /data/tesla-data/mmaguire 0 G. /data/tesla-home/mmaguire <.5 G. /data/picsl/mmaguire 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/picsl/mmaguire 3 G. Total for user mmaguire: 3 G pamattei - peter a. mattei /data/jet/pamattei 0 G. /data/jet-archive/pamattei 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/jet/pamattei 83 G. Total for user pamattei: 83 G picslpal - /data/jag/picslpal 0 G. Total for user picslpal: 0 G rverma - Ragini Verma /data/jet/rverma 0 G. Total for user rverma: 0 G sarah - Sarah Eugene sarah.eug@gmail.com /data/tesla-home/sarah <.5 G. /data/picsl/sarah 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/picsl/sarah 6 G. Total for user sarah: 6 G seth - Seth Bouvier sethbouvier@gmail.com /data/jet-archive/seth 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/jet/seth 29 G. Total for user seth: 29 G songgang - Gang Song /data/tesla-data/songgang 0 G. /data/tesla-home/songgang 0 G. /data/picsl/songgang 0 G. /data/jet/songgang 0 G. Total for user songgang: 0 G stephens - Kevin Stephens /data/picsl/stephens 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/picsl/stephens 132 G. Total for user stephens: 132 G svillars - Spencer Villars spencervillars@me.com /data/tesla-data/svillars 0 G. /data/tesla-home/svillars 0 G. /data/picsl/svillars 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/picsl/svillars 5 G. Total for user svillars: 5 G swilliamson - Sigrid Williamson /data/jag/swilliamson 0 G. Total for user swilliamson: 0 G tessa - /data/tesla-data/tessa 0 G. /data/tesla-home/tessa 0 G. /data/picsl/tessa 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/picsl/tessa 2 G. Total for user tessa: 2 G tgoksun - Tilbe Goksun /data/jet/tgoksun 0 G. Total for user tgoksun: 0 G tkim - Taehoon Kim /data/jet/tkim 0 G. Total for user tkim: 0 G varsha - /data/tesla-data/varsha 0 G. /data/tesla-home/varsha 0 G. /data/picsl/varsha 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/picsl/varsha 42 G. Total for user varsha: 42 G watsonc - watsonc@mail.med.upenn.edu Christine E. Watson /data/jet/watsonc 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/jet/watsonc 173 G. Total for user watsonc: 173 G wcwu - /mnt/data/archive/fjet/wcwu 38 G. Total for user wcwu: 38 G woojohn - John Woo John.Woo@uphs.upenn.edu /data/tesla-data/woojohn 0 G. /data/tesla-home/woojohn 0 G. /data/picsl/woojohn 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/picsl/woojohn 14 G. Total for user woojohn: 14 G wparker - Whitney E Parker /data/jet-archive/wparker 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/jet/wparker 147 G. Total for user wparker: 147 G wujue - John Wu /data/tesla-data/wujue 0 G. /data/tesla-home/wujue 0 G. /data/picsl/wujue 0 G. /data/jet/wujue 0 G. Total for user wujue: 0 G yalade - Yewande Alade /data/tesla-data/yalade 12 G. /data/tesla-home/yalade 4 G. /data/picsl/yalade 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/picsl/yalade 43 G. Total for user yalade: 59 G yan - Yan Wang ywang1201@gmail.com /data/tesla-data/yan 0 G. /data/tesla-home/yan 0 G. /data/picsl/yan 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/picsl/yan 610 G. Total for user yan: 610 G yezzyat - Youssef Ezzyat /mnt/data/archive/fjet/yezzyat 85 G. Total for user yezzyat: 85 G yongsheng - yongsheng.zhang.cn@gmail.com ze wang postdoc /data/jet/yongsheng 0 G. Total for user yongsheng: 0 G yufeiw - Yufei Wang /data/tesla-data/yufeiw 0 G. /data/tesla-home/yufeiw 0 G. /data/picsl/yufeiw 0 G. /data/jet-archive/yufeiw 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/picsl/yufeiw 5 G. Total for user yufeiw: 5 G Total for billing entity ToRemove: 2547 G ====== Unknown ====== aashraf - /data/tesla-data/aashraf 0 G. /data/tesla-home/aashraf 0 G. Total for directory aashraf: 0 G _ADMIN_COPY_ - /mnt/data/archive/jag/_ADMIN_COPY_ 0 G. /data/picsl/_ADMIN_COPY_ 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/picsl/_ADMIN_COPY_ 433 G. /mnt/data/archive/jet/_ADMIN_COPY_ 917 G. Total for directory _ADMIN_COPY_: 1350 G ADNI-data-from-tustison - /data/picsl/ADNI-data-from-tustison 0 G. Total for directory ADNI-data-from-tustison: 0 G ADNI-longitudinal-partial - /data/picsl/ADNI-longitudinal-partial 0 G. Total for directory ADNI-longitudinal-partial: 0 G AIBS - Total for project AIBS: 0 G akhan - /data/tesla-data/akhan 0 G. /data/tesla-home/akhan 0 G. Total for directory akhan: 0 G alval - /data/picsl/alval 0 G. Total for directory alval: 0 G anani - Ameya Nanivadekar anani@seas.upenn.edu /data/jet-archive/anani 0 G. Total for user anani: 0 G anne - /mnt/data/archive/fjet/anne 86 G. Total for directory anne: 86 G astiglia - /mnt/data/archive/jet/astiglia 141 G. Total for directory astiglia: 141 G barde - Laura Barde /data/jet-archive/barde 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/jet/barde 4 G. Total for user barde: 4 G benjagreene - /mnt/data/archive/xjet/benjagreene 49 G. Total for user benjagreene: 49 G bkeller - /data/tesla-data/bkeller 0 G. /data/tesla-home/bkeller 0 G. Total for directory bkeller: 0 G bkim - /data/jet-archive/bkim 0 G. Total for project bkim: 0 G bputnam - Brendan Putnam bputnam@sas.upenn.edu /data/jet-archive/bputnam 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/jet/bputnam 58 G. Total for user bputnam: 58 G catherinej - /data/jet-archive/catherinej 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/jet/catherinej 6 G. Total for user catherinej: 6 G cbrun - /data/tesla-data/cbrun 0 G. /data/tesla-home/cbrun 0 G. Total for directory cbrun: 0 G condor - /data/picsl/condor <.5 G. Total for directory condor: <.5 G connie - /mnt/data/archive/fjet/connie <.5 G. Total for user connie: <.5 G daeunkim - dankim108@gmail.com /data/jet-archive/daeunkim 0 G. Total for user daeunkim: 0 G dawn - /data/jet-archive/dawn 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/jet/dawn 548 G. Total for project dawn: 548 G dchinapp - Dhinakaran Chinappen dhinakaran.chinappen@gmail.com /data/jet-archive/dchinapp 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/jet/dchinapp 60 G. Total for user dchinapp: 60 G denisewu - /mnt/data/archive/fjet/denisewu 23 G. Total for directory denisewu: 23 G dhillon - /data/tesla-data/dhillon 0 G. /data/tesla-home/dhillon 0 G. Total for directory dhillon: 0 G djanuary - /mnt/data/archive/xjet/djanuary 96 G. Total for user djanuary: 96 G dkontos - /data/tesla-data/dkontos 0 G. /data/tesla-home/dkontos 0 G. Total for directory dkontos: 0 G eballer - /data/picsl/eballer 0 G. Total for directory eballer: 0 G eenglund - Erin Englund eenglund@seas.upenn.edu /data/jet/eenglund 0 G. /data/jet-archive/eenglund 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/jet/eenglund 5 G. Total for user eenglund: 5 G ejanss - /data/jet/ejanss 0 G. Total for user ejanss: 0 G ejordan - /data/picsl/ejordan 0 G. Total for directory ejordan: 0 G eokafor - /data/tesla-data/eokafor 0 G. /data/tesla-home/eokafor 0 G. Total for directory eokafor: 0 G evaheu - /data/jet-archive/evaheu 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/jet/evaheu <.5 G. Total for user evaheu: <.5 G exports - /mnt/data/archive/fjet/exports 4 G. Total for directory exports: 4 G feiler - /mnt/data/archive/xjet/feiler 867 G. Total for user feiler: 867 G fsdata - /data/jet-archive/fsdata 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/jet/fsdata 1 G. Total for project fsdata: 1 G fspace - /data/jet-archive/fspace 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/jet/fspace <.5 G. Total for project fspace: <.5 G gabriel - /mnt/data/archive/fjet/gabriel 56 G. Total for directory gabriel: 56 G gillihan - /data/jet-archive/gillihan 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/jet/gillihan 19 G. Total for user gillihan: 19 G grantw - Grant Walker 480-229-2600 walkerg1@einstein.edu /data/jet-archive/grantw 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/jet/grantw 18 G. Total for user grantw: 18 G hajcak - /data/jet-archive/hajcak 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/jet/hajcak 14 G. Total for user hajcak: 14 G hshi - hui shi /data/jet/hshi 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/jet/hshi 76 G. Total for user hshi: 76 G husiyuan - Siyuan Hu husiyuan010@gmail.com /data/jet/husiyuan 0 G. /data/jag/husiyuan 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/jag/husiyuan 335 G. Total for user husiyuan: 335 G jasmuth - /mnt/data/archive/jet/jasmuth 59 G. Total for directory jasmuth: 59 G jhalab - /mnt/data/archive/ajet/jhalab 535 G. Total for directory jhalab: 535 G jianbin - /data/tesla-data/jianbin 0 G. /data/tesla-home/jianbin 0 G. Total for directory jianbin: 0 G jimenezr - /mnt/data/archive/fjet/jimenezr 31 G. Total for directory jimenezr: 31 G jing - /data/jet-archive/jing 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/jet/jing 1 G. Total for project jing: 1 G jkrompin - Jason Krompinger /data/jet-archive/jkrompin 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/jet/jkrompin 17 G. Total for user jkrompin: 17 G jmorton - Jessica Morton jessica.morton@uphs.upenn.edu /data/jet-archive/jmorton 0 G. Total for user jmorton: 0 G jshenton - /mnt/data/archive/fjet/jshenton 3 G. Total for directory jshenton: 3 G junk2 - /data/picsl/junk2 <.5 G. Total for directory junk2: <.5 G junkfile - /data/picsl/junkfile <.5 G. Total for directory junkfile: <.5 G jzhou - /data/tesla-data/jzhou 0 G. /data/tesla-home/jzhou 0 G. Total for directory jzhou: 0 G kadivar - /mnt/data/archive/ajet/kadivar 182 G. Total for directory kadivar: 182 G keerthic - Keerthi Chandrasekaran keerthic07@gmail.com /data/jet-archive/keerthic 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/jet/keerthic <.5 G. Total for user keerthic: <.5 G kimberg - /data/jet/kimberg 0 G. Total for user kimberg: 0 G laurelB - /data/jet-archive/laurelB 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/jet/laurelB 25 G. Total for project laurelB: 25 G lburrell - Lauren Burrell /data/jet-archive/lburrell 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/jet/lburrell <.5 G. Total for user lburrell: <.5 G liuyang - /data/tesla-data/liuyang 0 G. /data/tesla-home/liuyang 0 G. Total for directory liuyang: 0 G llminkof - /mnt/data/archive/xjet/llminkof 260 G. Total for user llminkof: 260 G lmbylsma - Lauren Bylsma /mnt/data/archive/fjet/lmbylsma 2 G. Total for user lmbylsma: 2 G mackey_group - Total for directory mackey_group: 0 G marcie - /mnt/data/archive/fjet/marcie 35 G. Total for directory marcie: 35 G markje - /mnt/data/archive/xjet/markje <.5 G. Total for user markje: <.5 G markus - Michal Arkuszewski /data/jet-archive/markus 0 G. Total for user markus: 0 G martinreivich - /mnt/data/archive/fjet/martinreivich 1 G. Total for user martinreivich: 1 G martinw - /data/jet-archive/martinw 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/jet/martinw 85 G. Total for project martinw: 85 G mattku - Matthew Ku 845-596-3840 mattku@seas.upenn.edu /data/jet-archive/mattku 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/jet/mattku 18 G. Total for user mattku: 18 G mchurgin - Matthew Churgin mchurgin@seas.upenn.edu /data/jet-archive/mchurgin 0 G. Total for user mchurgin: 0 G mckennaj - Jaime McKenna /data/jet-archive/mckennaj 0 G. Total for user mckennaj: 0 G MELA-temp - /data/picsl/MELA-temp 0 G. Total for directory MELA-temp: 0 G mmannell - Maggie Mannell maggiemannell@gmail.com /data/jet-archive/mmannell 0 G. Total for user mmannell: 0 G myang - /data/tesla-data/myang 0 G. /data/tesla-home/myang 0 G. Total for directory myang: 0 G mzhang - Mengsen Zhang /data/jet-archive/mzhang 0 G. Total for user mzhang: 0 G neuroeng - /data/jet/neuroeng 0 G. Total for project neuroeng: 0 G newraw - Total for project newraw: 0 G nucifora - Paolo Nucifora /data/jet/nucifora 0 G. Total for user nucifora: 0 G ohsung - Sung Suk Oh /data/jet-archive/ohsung 0 G. Total for user ohsung: 0 G oldhomes - /mnt/data/archive/fjet/oldhomes 6 G. Total for directory oldhomes: 6 G olegleon - oleg leontiev /data/jet-archive/olegleon 0 G. Total for user olegleon: 0 G oscf - Oscar Nunez oscf@seas.upenn.edu /data/tesla-data/oscf 0 G. /data/tesla-home/oscf <.5 G. /data/picsl/oscf 0 G. /data/jet-archive/oscf 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/picsl/oscf 6 G. Total for user oscf: 6 G ozum - ozum saygi /data/jet-archive/ozum 0 G. Total for user ozum: 0 G perryj - /data/tesla-data/perryj 0 G. /data/tesla-home/perryj 0 G. Total for directory perryj: 0 G PUBLIC - /data/jet/PUBLIC 2 G. Total for project PUBLIC: 2 G pwang - Ping Wang /data/tesla-data/pwang 0 G. /data/tesla-home/pwang <.5 G. /data/picsl/pwang 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/picsl/pwang 1 G. Total for user pwang: 1 G ramanibalu - Ramani.Balu@uphs.upenn.edu /data/jet-archive/ramanibalu 0 G. Total for user ramanibalu: 0 G raw - /mnt/data/archive/fjet/raw 21 G. Total for directory raw: 21 G rbhatia - Ritwik Bhatia /data/jet/rbhatia 0 G. /data/jet-archive/rbhatia 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/jet/rbhatia <.5 G. Total for user rbhatia: <.5 G retinotopy_sandbox - /mnt/data/archive/xjet/retinotopy_sandbox 3 G. Total for directory retinotopy_sandbox: 3 G richdunbar - Richard /data/jet-archive/richdunbar 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/jet/richdunbar <.5 G. Total for user richdunbar: <.5 G rlangner - /mnt/data/archive/fjet/rlangner 89 G. Total for user rlangner: 89 G rmargolis - Rebecca Margolis /data/jet-archive/rmargolis 0 G. Total for user rmargolis: 0 G rstaf - Randall Stafford rstaf@mail.med.upenn.edu /data/jet/rstaf 0 G. Total for user rstaf: 0 G safron - /data/jet-archive/safron 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/jet/safron 1 G. Total for project safron: 1 G sarmads - Sarmad Siddiqui /data/jet-archive/sarmads 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/jet/sarmads 22 G. Total for user sarmads: 22 G sashank - Sashank Prasad /data/jet/sashank 0 G. /data/jet-archive/sashank 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/jet/sashank <.5 G. Total for user sashank: <.5 G sassed - Daniel Robert Sasse SasseDan@einstein.edu 609-433-2308 /data/jet-archive/sassed 0 G. Total for user sassed: 0 G schawla - sanjeev chawla /data/jet-archive/schawla 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/jet/schawla 1 G. Total for user schawla: 1 G seara - /mnt/data/archive/fjet/seara 15 G. Total for directory seara: 15 G seugene - sarah eugene /data/jet-archive/seugene 0 G. Total for user seugene: 0 G smessing - Samuel Messing smessing@sas.upenn.edu 617 538 3445 /data/jet-archive/smessing 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/jet/smessing <.5 G. Total for user smessing: <.5 G smithel.old - /data/jet-archive/smithel.old 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/jet/smithel.old 144 G. Total for project smithel.old: 144 G smithsa - Sabrina Smith /data/jet/smithsa 0 G. /data/jet-archive/smithsa 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/jet/smithsa 5 G. Total for user smithsa: 5 G songz - /mnt/data/archive/jet/songz <.5 G. Total for directory songz: <.5 G sorozco - Sylvia Orozco sko1723@gmail.com /data/jet-archive/sorozco 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/jet/sorozco <.5 G. Total for user sorozco: <.5 G spalek - /mnt/data/archive/fjet/spalek 44 G. Total for user spalek: 44 G srisri - Srihari Sritharan /data/jet-archive/srisri 0 G. Total for user srisri: 0 G stc - /data/jet-archive/stc 0 G. Total for project stc: 0 G suyash - Suyash P. Awate /data/jet-archive/suyash 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/jet/suyash 1 G. Total for user suyash: 1 G szhu - Senhua Zhu zshtom@gmail.com /data/jet/szhu 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/yjet/szhu 894 G. /mnt/data/archive/jet/szhu 253 G. Total for user szhu: 1147 G vaishnavi - Sanjeev Neil Vaishnavi neil.vaishnavi@gmail.com /data/jet-archive/vaishnavi 0 G. Total for user vaishnavi: 0 G vajain - /mnt/data/archive/xjet/vajain 1 G. Total for user vajain: 1 G veena - /mnt/data/archive/fjet/veena 61 G. Total for directory veena: 61 G wilsona - /mnt/data/archive/fjet/wilsona 37 G. Total for directory wilsona: 37 G winkai - /data/picsl/winkai 0 G. Total for directory winkai: 0 G wjoe - wilson joe /data/jet-archive/wjoe 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/jet/wjoe 53 G. Total for user wjoe: 53 G xplu - xiangping lu Xiangping.lu@hotmail.com /data/jet-archive/xplu 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/jet/xplu <.5 G. Total for user xplu: <.5 G xuefeng - /mnt/data/archive/fjet/xuefeng 43 G. Total for directory xuefeng: 43 G youngkj - Youngji Kim /data/jet-archive/youngkj 0 G. Total for user youngkj: 0 G zack - /mnt/data/archive/fjet/zack 1 G. Total for directory zack: 1 G zhadanov - Sergey Zhadanov zhadanov@gmail.com /data/jet-archive/zhadanov 0 G. Total for user zhadanov: 0 G Total for billing entity Unknown: 6775 G ====== Wehrli, Felix ====== fwehrli - /data/jag/fwehrli 244 G. Total for user fwehrli: 244 G jmagland - Jeremy Magland /data/jet-archive/jmagland 0 G. Total for user jmagland: 0 G Total for billing entity Wehrli: 244 G ====== Wolf, Ronald ====== alutz - /data/picsl/alutz 1 G. Total for user alutz: 1 G sachawla - /data/jag/sachawla 0 G. Total for user sachawla: 0 G swang - Sumei Wang /data/jet/swang 68 G. Total for user swang: 68 G wolf - /data/jet-archive/wolf 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/jet/wolf 96 G. Total for user wolf: 96 G Total for billing entity Wolf: 165 G ====== Wolk, David ====== apilania - /data/jag/apilania 0 G. Total for user apilania: 0 G dwolk - David Wolk /data/tesla-data/dwolk 0 G. /data/tesla-home/dwolk 0 G. /data/picsl/dwolk 373 G. Total for user dwolk: 373 G gstockbower - Grace Stockbower /data/jag/gstockbower 0 G. Total for user gstockbower: 0 G longxie - Long (Darren) Xie /data/tesla-data/longxie 4 G. /data/tesla-home/longxie <.5 G. /data/picsl/longxie 2150 G. /data/jet/longxie 711 G. Total for user longxie: 2865 G mancusol - Lauren Mancuso /data/tesla-data/mancusol 5 G. /data/tesla-home/mancusol <.5 G. /data/picsl/mancusol 309 G. /data/jet/mancusol 10 G. Total for user mancusol: 324 G mdaffner - Molly Daffner /data/jag/mdaffner 0 G. Total for user mdaffner: 0 G mhabes - /data/picsl/mhabes 0 G. Total for user mhabes: 0 G wolk_group - /data/jag/wolk_group 1111 G. Total for project wolk_group: 1111 G Total for billing entity Wolk: 4672 G ====== Yushkevich, Paul ====== aaly - /data/picsl/aaly 53 G. Total for user aaly: 53 G apouch - Alison Pouch /data/tesla-data/apouch 0 G. /data/tesla-home/apouch <.5 G. /data/picsl/apouch 932 G. Total for user apouch: 932 G ccraige - /data/tesla-data/ccraige 0 G. /data/tesla-home/ccraige <.5 G. /data/picsl/ccraige 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/picsl/ccraige <.5 G. Total for user ccraige: <.5 G cis537 - unknown /data/jet-archive/cis537 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/jet/cis537 12 G. Total for user cis537: 12 G dalmau - Oscar Dalmau dalmau@zimat.mx temp till late march? /data/tesla-data/dalmau 0 G. /data/tesla-home/dalmau <.5 G. /data/picsl/dalmau 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/picsl/dalmau 4 G. Total for user dalmau: 4 G danadler - Dan Adler /data/tesla-data/danadler 847 G. /data/tesla-home/danadler <.5 G. /data/picsl/danadler 431 G. Total for user danadler: 1278 G gfleishman - /data/picsl/gfleishman 87 G. Total for user gfleishman: 87 G huisun - /data/tesla-data/huisun 214 G. /data/tesla-home/huisun 158 G. /data/picsl/huisun 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/picsl/huisun 15 G. Total for user huisun: 387 G ioguz - /data/jag/ioguz 0 G. /data/picsl/ioguz 427 G. Total for user ioguz: 427 G jarendonk - /data/jag/jarendonk 0 G. Total for user jarendonk: 0 G jwsuh - /data/tesla-data/jwsuh 758 G. /data/tesla-home/jwsuh 4 G. /data/picsl/jwsuh 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/picsl/jwsuh 484 G. Total for user jwsuh: 1246 G lding - Ling Ding /data/jag/lding 0 G. Total for user lding: 0 G lwisse - Laura Wisse /data/tesla-data/lwisse 0 G. /data/tesla-home/lwisse <.5 G. /data/picsl/lwisse 254 G. /data/jag/lwisse <.5 G. Total for user lwisse: 254 G maltinay - /data/tesla-data/maltinay 0 G. /data/tesla-home/maltinay <.5 G. /data/picsl/maltinay 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/picsl/maltinay <.5 G. Total for user maltinay: <.5 G mdong - /data/picsl/mdong 355 G. Total for user mdong: 355 G memories - Paul Yushkevich sleep apnea study /data/jet-archive/memories 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/jet/memories 0 G. Total for user memories: 0 G nagesh - /data/jag/nagesh 0 G. /data/picsl/nagesh 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/picsl/nagesh 433 G. Total for user nagesh: 433 G octavian - Soldea /data/tesla-home/octavian <.5 G. /data/picsl/octavian 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/picsl/octavian <.5 G. Total for user octavian: <.5 G pauly - Paul Yushkevich /data/tesla-data/pauly 558 G. /data/tesla-home/pauly 58 G. /data/picsl/pauly 3686 G. /data/jet/pauly 120 G. /data/jet-archive/pauly 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/jet/pauly 121 G. Total for user pauly: 4543 G paulypc - Total for project paulypc: 0 G pfiz - /data/tesla-data/pfiz 329 G. Total for project pfiz: 329 G pluta - John Pluta /data/tesla-home/pluta 9 G. /data/picsl/pluta 0 G. /data/jag/pluta 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/picsl/pluta 389 G. Total for user pluta: 398 G rittyerah - Ranjit Ittyerah /data/tesla-data/rittyerah 0 G. /data/tesla-home/rittyerah <.5 G. /data/picsl/rittyerah 227 G. /data/jet/rittyerah 13 G. Total for user rittyerah: 240 G ruonanwu - /data/tesla-data/ruonanwu 0 G. /data/picsl/ruonanwu 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/picsl/ruonanwu 6 G. Total for user ruonanwu: 6 G sijietian - PICSL summer hire /data/tesla-data/sijietian 0 G. /data/tesla-home/sijietian <.5 G. /data/picsl/sijietian 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/picsl/sijietian <.5 G. Total for user sijietian: <.5 G skadivar - Salmon Kadivar /data/jet-archive/skadivar 0 G. /mnt/data/archive/jet/skadivar 22 G. Total for user skadivar: 22 G srdas - Sandhitsu Das /data/tesla-data/srdas 1046 G. /data/tesla-home/srdas 38 G. /data/picsl/srdas 7066 G. /data/jet/srdas 189 G. Total for user srdas: 8338 G Total for billing entity Yushkevich: 19344 G total number of projects andusers: 468