Getting Help
--- If you're issue is not about the cluster ---
For example
Most network connection issues
Software licenses for your desktop or laptop (for example Matlab or Office). Check with your PI and department, or use the contacts below.
Hospital faculty/staff/students or UPHS Network/VPN
If you're with UPHS (not School of Medicine), or if your issue is a UPHS networking or VPN issue, you probably need to Contact UPHS Support
SAS or SEAS faculty/staff/students or PennNet
--- CfN Cluster Issues ---
You can email the CfN admins for help with the CfN cluster, but first, look at this checklist:
Are you running on chead instead of nodes?
Have you checked with your colleagues if they use the same or similar scripts or tools?
Is your disk quota full? Use df -h /data/<path-to-my-data-directory>
to check.
Please send this info to the admin in your email:
What username are you running as?
Are you on chead or a compute node?
Are you using qlogin or qsub?
Include the command you ran.
Include the output of the command and FULL error messages, or include the path to output files that show what's happened (i.e. for qsub, the .e and .o files).
What did you expect to happen?
Has this worked before? If so, when? Did it work on the same data set or the exact same data? Does it work with other data sets or data point?