This report shows each “Billing Entity” we've identified. That is, each researcher or group that is responsible for usage fees associated with all users listed beneath them.
Please verify the users who have been assigned to you, and then indicate your acknowledgement on this form. If there are errors, let us know before you sign the form:
Please also check the Unknown section and help us identify users for whom we haven't been able to identify a lab or group.
Use the Table of Contents to the right to jump to the billing entity of interest.
afxy - Total for project afxy: 0 G ARCHIVE_data - Total for project ARCHIVE_data: 0 G ARCHIVE_home - Total for project ARCHIVE_home: 0 G ARCHIVE_picsl - Total for directory ARCHIVE_picsl: 0 G cschrader - /data/archive/jet/cschrader 6 G. Total for user cschrader: 6 G hwang3 - Hongzhi Wang /data/tesla-data/hwang3 <.5 G. /data/picsl/hwang3 607 G. Total for user hwang3: 607 G mgstauff - Michael Stauffer admin /data/tesla-data/mgstauff <.5 G. /data/picsl/mgstauff <.5 G. /data/jet/mgstauff 1 G. Total for user mgstauff: 1 G r4seniordesign - XNAT cluster user /data/picsl/r4seniordesign 72 G. Total for user r4seniordesign: 72 G rzorger - Richard Zorger /data/jag/rzorger <.5 G. Total for directory rzorger: <.5 G testuser - testuser Total for user testuser: 0 G xnat - Total for user xnat: 0 G
Total for billing entity admin: 686 G
hrajasekaran - /data/jux/hrajasekaran <.5 G. Total for user hrajasekaran: <.5 G mashtari - /data/jux/mashtari 773 G. Total for user mashtari: 773 G
Total for billing entity Ashtari: 773 G
avants - Brian Avants /data/archive/xjet/avants 114 G. /data/archive/jet/avants 192 G. /data/archive/picsl/avants 387 G. /data/archive/tesla-data/avants 798 G. Total for user avants: 1491 G BD2K01 - Total for project BD2K01: 0 G sajoco - /data/archive/ajet/sajoco <.5 G. Total for user sajoco: <.5 G shera - David M. Shera /data/jet/shera <.5 G. /data/archive/jet/shera <.5 G. Total for user shera: <.5 G
Total for billing entity Avants: 1491 G
aashourvan - /data/jux/aashourvan 192 G. Total for user aashourvan: 192 G akahn - Ari Kahn Total for user akahn: 0 G akhambhati - /data/jux/akhambhati 48 G. Total for user akhambhati: 48 G amurphy - /data/jag/amurphy 70 G. Total for user amurphy: 70 G Bassett_lab - /data/jag/bassett-lab 8881 G. Total for project Bassett_lab: 8881 G bbehrbaum - /data/jux/bbehrbaum 1 G. Total for user bbehrbaum: 1 G dbassett - Danielle Bassett Total for user dbassett: 0 G dlee - Total for user dlee: 0 G dschonhaut - Total for user dschonhaut: 0 G dwhite - /data/tesla-data/dwhite 43 G. Total for user dwhite: 43 G ecornblath - /data/tesla-data/ecornblath 53 G. Total for user ecornblath: 53 G etang - /data/tesla-data/etang 14 G. Total for user etang: 14 G gus - Shi Gu ( - Jim Gee Total for user gus: 0 G kmohan - Total for user kmohan: 0 G lwiles - Laura Wiles /data/archive/jag/lwiles 1 G. Total for user lwiles: 1 G mattar2 - Total for user mattar2: 0 G mb3152 - /data/jet/mb3152 <.5 G. Total for user mb3152: <.5 G mbmbertolero - /data/jux/mbmbertolero 1053 G. Total for user mbmbertolero: 1053 G preddy - /data/jux/preddy 167 G. Total for user preddy: 167 G rbetzel - /data/jux/rbetzel 66 G. Total for user rbetzel: 66 G stompson - /data/jux/stompson 1494 G. Total for user stompson: 1494 G vkopli - Total for user vkopli: 0 G yren - /data/jux/yren 1 G. Total for user yren: 1 G yzhu - Total for user yzhu: 0 G
Total for billing entity Bassett: 12086 G
brannon_group - /data/jux/brannon_group 1095 G. Total for project brannon_group: 1095 G
Total for billing entity Brannon: 1095 G
sdorsey - Shauna Dorsey /data/archive/jet/sdorsey 4 G. Total for user sdorsey: 4 G
Total for billing entity Burdick: 4 G
buxbauml - Buxbauml /data/archive/jet/buxbauml 5 G. Total for user buxbauml: 5 G
Total for billing entity Buxbaum: 5 G
ajamrozik - /data/jux/ajamrozik 1078 G. Total for user ajamrozik: 1078 G ealawi - Eliza Alawi /data/jet/ealawi 1 G. Total for user ealawi: 1 G eica - /data/jet/eica 84 G. /data/archive/ajet/eica <.5 G. Total for user eica: 84 G erogers - Emily Rogers Total for user erogers: 0 G fhartung - /data/jux/fhartung <.5 G. Total for user fhartung: <.5 G jptacek - Total for user jptacek: 0 G lquandt - Lorna Quandt /data/jet/lquandt 47 G. Total for user lquandt: 47 G mmcquire - Marguerite McQuire Total for user mmcquire: 0 G nklooster - Total for user nklooster: 0 G shumphries - Total for user shumphries: 0 G sweisberg - Steve Weisberg /data/jux/sweisberg 961 G. Total for user sweisberg: 961 G
Total for billing entity Chatterjee: 2170 G
coslett - /data/jag/coslett 21 G. Total for user coslett: 21 G dpustina - Dorian Pustina /data/jux/dpustina 84 G. /data/tesla-data/dpustina <.5 G. Total for user dpustina: 84 G faseyitan - /data/jet/faseyitan 699 G. /data/archive/ajet/faseyitan 473 G. Total for user faseyitan: 1172 G postmanw - /data/archive/ajet/postmanw 74 G. Total for user postmanw: 74 G scason - /data/jux/scason 6 G. Total for user scason: 6 G zhengjun - Zhengjun Li /data/jux/zhengjun 1039 G. Total for user zhengjun: 1039 G
Total for billing entity Coslett: 2396 G
cotoc - Carlos Coto /data/tesla-data/cotoc 47 G. Total for user cotoc: 47 G daviska - Kathryn Davis - neuroengineering /data/jux/daviska 5012 G. Total for user daviska: 5012 G dkersen - /data/jag/dkersen <.5 G. Total for user dkersen: <.5 G hgatens - /data/jag/hgatens <.5 G. Total for user hgatens: <.5 G jstein - Total for user jstein: 0 G mgelfand - Michael Gelfand Total for user mgelfand: 0 G phadar - Total for user phadar: 0 G pshah - /data/jet/pshah 601 G. Total for user pshah: 601 G xnat_PEC_CLINICAL - /data/XNAT/archive/PEC_CLINICAL 19 G. Total for project xnat_PEC_CLINICAL: 19 G
Total for billing entity Davis: 5679 G
accasl - /data/tesla-data/accasl 82 G. Total for user accasl: 82 G akadivar - /data/archive/jet/akadivar <.5 G. Total for user akadivar: <.5 G angela42 - angela hoang /data/archive/fjet/angela42 65 G. Total for user angela42: 65 G appl - /data/jet/appl 1 G. Total for project appl: 1 G arabinowitz - Amanda Rabinowitz Total for user arabinowitz: 0 G david - /data/archive/fjet/david 35 G. Total for user david: 35 G detre - John Detre /data/archive/jet/detre 15 G. Total for user detre: 15 G dhu - Dongbo Hu /data/jet/dhu <.5 G. /data/archive/jet/dhu 1 G. /data/archive/picsl/dhu <.5 G. Total for user dhu: 1 G dkumar - Total for user dkumar: 0 G ehwuang - /data/jux/ehwuang <.5 G. Total for user ehwuang: <.5 G glymphatic_project - Total for project glymphatic_project: 0 G jennie - /data/archive/ajet/jennie 142 G. /data/archive/jet/jennie 73 G. Total for user jennie: 216 G jwang - Jiongjiong Wang /data/jet/jwang <.5 G. /data/archive/jet/jwang 283 G. Total for user jwang: 283 G jware - /data/tesla-data/jware 1625 G. Total for user jware: 1625 G kfriberg - Total for user kfriberg: 0 G liuh - Hua-Shan Liu /data/jet/liuh 10 G. Total for user liuh: 10 G melliott - Mark Elliott Total for user melliott: 0 G mgabr001 - /data/jux/mgabr001 <.5 G. Total for user mgabr001: <.5 G mjumbewu - Mjumbe Poe /data/archive/fjet/mjumbewu 10 G. Total for user mjumbewu: 10 G mkorczykowski - marc korczykowski Total for user mkorczykowski: 0 G mtobita - Mari Tobita /data/jet/mtobita <.5 G. /data/archive/jet/mtobita 30 G. Total for user mtobita: 30 G mvidorreta - Marta Vidorreta /data/jux/mvidorreta 3101 G. Total for user mvidorreta: 3101 G rijuray - /data/jet/rijuray <.5 G. /data/archive/jet/rijuray 35 G. Total for user rijuray: 35 G rupal - Rupal Bhavsar /data/jet/rupal 363 G. Total for user rupal: 363 G scravis - Joseph Sullivan /data/jet/scravis <.5 G. /data/archive/jet/scravis 8 G. Total for user scravis: 8 G sdolui - Sudipto Dolui /data/picsl/sdolui <.5 G. /data/jet/sdolui 1215 G. Total for user sdolui: 1215 G sglynn - Simon Glynn /data/archive/fjet/sglynn 167 G. /data/archive/yjet/sglynn 214 G. Total for user sglynn: 381 G tcoye - /data/archive/jag/tcoye 7 G. Total for user tcoye: 7 G vidorreta_group - Total for project vidorreta_group: 0 G wangzhuo - Zhuo Jimmy Wang /data/archive/jet/wangzhuo 3 G. Total for user wangzhuo: 3 G wwitschey - /data/jux/wwitschey <.5 G. Total for user wwitschey: <.5 G xnat_DETRE - Total for project xnat_DETRE: 0 G xnat_ELLIOTT - /data/XNAT/archive/ELLIOTT <.5 G. Total for project xnat_ELLIOTT: <.5 G xran - /data/archive/jag/xran 1342 G. Total for user xran: 1342 G yshao - /data/archive/jag/yshao 238 G. Total for user yshao: 238 G zhangquan - Quan Zhang /data/archive/jet/zhangquan 36 G. Total for user zhangquan: 36 G zwang - Ze Wang /data/archive/jet/zwang 586 G. Total for user zwang: 586 G
Total for billing entity Detre: 9688 G
eip_group - /data/jux/EIP <.5 G. Total for project eip_group: <.5 G rarcher - /data/jux/rarcher <.5 G. Total for user rarcher: <.5 G
Total for billing entity EIP: 0 G
ahafri - Alon Hafri /data/jet/ahafri 727 G. Total for user ahafri: 727 G akeinath - /data/tesla-data/akeinath 85 G. Total for user akeinath: 85 G cangeloni - Chris Angeloni /data/jag/cangeloni <.5 G. Total for user cangeloni: <.5 G jjulian - Joshua Julian /data/jet/jjulian 1279 G. Total for user jjulian: 1279 G lmo - Lindsay Vass (Morgan) /data/jet/lmo 1807 G. Total for user lmo: 1807 G macevoy - /data/archive/yjet/macevoy 758 G. Total for user macevoy: 758 G michafra - Michael Bonner /data/jet/michafra 479 G. Total for user michafra: 479 G molkkonen - Maria Olkkonen /data/jet/molkkonen 329 G. Total for user molkkonen: 329 G pbryan - Peter Bryan Total for user pbryan: 0 G rmetzgar - /data/jux/rmetzgar 7 G. Total for user rmetzgar: 7 G sliapis - /data/jux/sliapis 377 G. Total for user sliapis: 377 G stevenmarchette - Steven Marchette <> Epstein Lab group /data/jet/stevenmarchette 1575 G. Total for user stevenmarchette: 1575 G tpegors - Teresa K Pegors /data/archive/jet/tpegors 598 G. Total for user tpegors: 598 G zglu - /data/jux/zglu 987 G. Total for user zglu: 987 G
Total for billing entity Epstein: 9009 G
gnichols - Thomas Tonner A. Nichols /data/jet/gnichols 32 G. Total for user gnichols: 32 G jcamins - Joshua Camins /data/archive/picsl/jcamins <.5 G. Total for user jcamins: <.5 G mfarah - Martha Farah /data/tesla-data/mfarah 5 G. /data/jux/mfarah 2900 G. Total for user mfarah: 2905 G ntustison - Total for user ntustison: 0 G
Total for billing entity Farah: 2937 G
avalcarcel - Total for user avalcarcel: 0 G
Total for billing entity Farrar: 0 G
bkandel - Ben Kandel /data/tesla-data/bkandel 51 G. /data/archive/jet/bkandel 123 G. /data/archive/picsl/bkandel 189 G. Total for user bkandel: 363 G cwang - Total for user cwang: 0 G dlindsay - /data/picsl/dlindsay 80 G. Total for user dlindsay: 80 G gee - James Gee /data/tesla-data/gee 51 G. /data/picsl/gee 7 G. Total for user gee: 59 G jtduda - Jeff Duda /data/tesla-data/jtduda <.5 G. /data/jux/jtduda 3822 G. Total for user jtduda: 3822 G mchen - /data/jag/mchen 8 G. Total for user mchen: 8 G pcook - Philip Cook /data/tesla-data/pcook 153 G. /data/picsl/pcook 364 G. /data/jet/pcook 188 G. Total for user pcook: 704 G susana - Susana /data/archive/fjet/susana 100 G. Total for user susana: 100 G yixin - Yi Xin /data/picsl/yixin 931 G. Total for user yixin: 931 G yuanjiez - Yuanjiez Zheng /data/tesla-data/yuanjiez 14 G. /data/archive/picsl/yuanjiez 554 G. Total for user yuanjiez: 567 G
Total for billing entity Gee: 6635 G
arauschecker - Total for user arauschecker: 0 G jrudie - /data/tesla-data/jrudie 954 G. Total for user jrudie: 954 G
Total for billing entity Gee_training: 954 G
gdikecligil - /data/jux/gdikecligil <.5 G. Total for user gdikecligil: <.5 G jgottfried - /data/jux/jgottfried <.5 G. Total for user jgottfried: <.5 G jgroot - /data/jux/jgroot <.5 G. Total for user jgroot: <.5 G lkorsak - /data/jux/lkorsak <.5 G. Total for user lkorsak: <.5 G olacki - /data/jux/olacki <.5 G. Total for user olacki: <.5 G pchang - /data/jux/pchang <.5 G. Total for user pchang: <.5 G
Total for billing entity Gottfried: 0 G
aprice - Amy Price Total for user aprice: 0 G ash - Sherry Ash Total for user ash: 0 G caugolm - Chris Olm /data/picsl/caugolm 1 G. /data/jet/caugolm 8 G. Total for user caugolm: 9 G caugolm_ADNI - /data/archive/jet/caugolm_ADNI 246 G. Total for project caugolm_ADNI: 246 G chivon - /data/archive/jet/chivon 1 G. Total for user chivon: 1 G coreymc - Corey McMillan Total for user coreymc: 0 G fmin - Faye Min Total for user fmin: 0 G grossman - /data/grossman 24331 G. Total for user grossman: 24331 G grosspeople - /data/jet/grosspeople 6729 G. /data/archive/fjet/grosspeople 212 G. Total for project grosspeople: 6941 G jfoster - Jackson Foster Total for user jfoster: 0 G jopow - John Powers Total for user jopow: 0 G jphillips - Jeffrey Phillips /data/picsl/jphillips <.5 G. /data/jet/jphillips 18 G. Total for user jphillips: 18 G kcousins - Katie Cousins Total for user kcousins: 0 G kran - Kathy Ran /data/picsl/kran <.5 G. Total for user kran: <.5 G lbaehr - l. baehr /data/picsl/lbaehr <.5 G. Total for user lbaehr: <.5 G lisenberg - Lisette Isenberg /data/picsl/lisenberg 1 G. /data/jet/lisenberg 55 G. Total for user lisenberg: 56 G lmassimo - Lauren Massimo Total for user lmassimo: 0 G mgrossman - Murray Grossman contact Phil Cook or Brian Avants /data/tesla-data/mgrossman <.5 G. /data/picsl/mgrossman 24 G. Total for user mgrossman: 24 G mhealey - Meghan Healey /data/picsl/mhealey <.5 G. /data/jet/mhealey 23 G. Total for user mhealey: 23 G mriadmin - Grossman Lab Total for user mriadmin: 0 G nlim - NICHOLAS LIM /data/jet/nlim 9 G. Total for user nlim: 9 G nnevler - Total for user nnevler: 0 G nspotorno - Nicola Spotorno /data/picsl/nspotorno <.5 G. Total for user nspotorno: <.5 G ogantz - Owen Gantz /data/archive/picsl/ogantz <.5 G. Total for user ogantz: <.5 G placekk - Katerina Placek Total for user placekk: 0 G sheim - Stefan Heim Total for user sheim: 0 G ssantos - Susana Novais-Santos Total for user ssantos: 0 G tbisbing - Teagan Bisbing Total for user tbisbing: 0 G troiani - Vanessa Troiani /data/archive/fjet/troiani 26 G. /data/archive/jet/troiani 73 G. Total for user troiani: 99 G winkhai - Khaing Win /data/jux/winkhai 267 G. Total for user winkhai: 267 G xnat_GROSSMAN - /data/XNAT/archive/GROSSMAN 218 G. Total for project xnat_GROSSMAN: 218 G xnat_NACC - /data/XNAT/archive/NACC 8 G. Total for project xnat_NACC: 8 G ysl - Yune Lee /data/jet/ysl 878 G. Total for user ysl: 878 G
Total for billing entity Grossman: 33128 G
BBL - /data/joy/BBL 40056 G. Total for project BBL: 40056 G BBL-extend - /data/joy/BBL-extend 814 G. Total for project BBL-extend: 814 G BBL_jux - /data/jux/BBL 12623 G. Total for project BBL_jux: 12623 G egennatas - Stathis Gennatas Total for user egennatas: 0 G gbaum - Graham Baum /data/picsl/gbaum <.5 G. /data/jag/gbaum 203 G. Total for user gbaum: 203 G hxia - Total for user hxia: 0 G mfinkel - Mack Finkel /data/jet/mfinkel 3 G. Total for user mfinkel: 3 G sattertt - Ted Satterthwaite /data/jet/sattertt 4 G. Total for user sattertt: 4 G
Total for billing entity Gur: 53704 G
dharvey - denise harvey Total for user dharvey: 0 G rhamilton - /data/tesla-data/rhamilton 88 G. Total for user rhamilton: 88 G thomasam - amy thomas /data/archive/jet/thomasam 20 G. Total for user thomasam: 20 G
Total for billing entity Hamilton: 109 G
cglaze - Chris Glaze Total for user cglaze: 0 G kable - /data/jet/kable 5559 G. Total for user kable: 5559 G marieta - Marieta Pehlivanova /data/archive/jet/marieta 36 G. Total for user marieta: 36 G mcguirej - Joe McGuire Total for user mcguirej: 0 G mmcconnell - Mairead McConnell Total for user mmcconnell: 0 G mnassar - Matt Nassar /data/jet/mnassar 103 G. Total for user mnassar: 103 G rkazinka - Rebecca Kazinka Total for user rkazinka: 0 G slee - Sangil (Arthur) Lee /data/jet/slee <.5 G. Total for user slee: <.5 G tparth - Trishala Parthasarathi Total for user tparth: 0 G wjung - Wi Hoon Jung Total for user wjung: 0 G ylinda - Yu Linda /data/jet/ylinda 14 G. Total for user ylinda: 14 G
Total for billing entity Kable: 5712 G
kimj - Junghoon Kim /data/jet/kimj <.5 G. Total for user kimj: <.5 G
Total for billing entity Kim_J: 0 G
langleben_group - Total for project langleben_group: 0 G
Total for billing entity Langleben: 0 G
bbcp - /data/jag/bbcp 15565 G. Total for project bbcp: 15565 G bloyl - Luke Bloy Total for user bloyl: 0 G ehoi - Elise Hoi Total for user ehoi: 0 G jloughead - James Loughead Total for user jloughead: 0 G kathyt - Kathy Tang /data/archive/fjet/kathyt 77 G. Total for user kathyt: 77 G turgidson - E. Paul Wileyto /data/archive/jet/turgidson <.5 G. Total for user turgidson: <.5 G wcao - Wen Cao /data/jet/wcao <.5 G. Total for user wcao: <.5 G
Total for billing entity Loughead: 15642 G
mackey_group - /data/picsl/mackey_group 6945 G. Total for directory mackey_group: 6945 G
Total for billing entity Mackey: 6945 G
akelkar - /data/picsl/akelkar 1239 G. Total for user akelkar: 1239 G akostiuk - /data/jag/akostiuk 2 G. Total for user akostiuk: 2 G berickson - /data/jux/berickson <.5 G. Total for user berickson: <.5 G jmedaglia - John Medaglia /data/jag/jmedaglia 1640 G. Total for user jmedaglia: 1640 G lstclair - Total for user lstclair: 0 G
Total for billing entity Medaglia: 2881 G
abock - Andrew Bock /data/jet/abock 1312 G. Total for user abock: 1312 G adpedms - Blake Dewey /data/jag/adpedms 2 G. Total for user adpedms: 2 G aguirre - Geoff Aguirre /data/jet/aguirre 2763 G. Total for user aguirre: 2763 G aolsen - /data/archive/jag/aolsen 209 G. Total for user aolsen: 209 G ddrucker - /data/jet/ddrucker <.5 G. /data/archive/jet/ddrucker 124 G. Total for user ddrucker: 124 G gfrazzetta - /data/jag/gfrazzetta 27 G. Total for user gfrazzetta: 27 G jryan - Jack Ryan Total for user jryan: 0 G kerr - Wesley Kerr /data/archive/jag/kerr 156 G. Total for user kerr: 156 G mattar - Marcelo Gomes Mattar /data/jet/mattar 1316 G. Total for user mattar: 1316 G mbarnett - Total for user mbarnett: 0 G mcarter - Marie Carter /data/jag/mcarter <.5 G. Total for user mcarter: <.5 G MELA - /data/jux/MELA 3881 G. Total for directory MELA: 3881 G mspitschan - Manuel Spitschan Total for user mspitschan: 0 G rito - Ritobrato Datta /data/tesla-data/rito 356 G. Total for user rito: 356 G schinazi - Victor Schinazi /data/archive/ajet/schinazi 73 G. Total for user schinazi: 73 G
Total for billing entity MELA: 10220 G
neurorad - Neuroradilogy shared acct - Sumei Wang is in charge Feb 2015 /data/jet/neurorad 170 G. Total for user neurorad: 170 G
Total for billing entity Radiology: 170 G
aspaeth - Andrea Spaeth Total for user aspaeth: 0 G fyang - /data/jag/fyang 253 G. Total for user fyang: 253 G nma - Ning Ma /data/jet/nma 114 G. Total for user nma: 114 G rhy - Rao Hengyi /data/jet/rhy 666 G. /data/archive/ajet/rhy 203 G. Total for user rhy: 869 G schnej - Jason Schneiderman /data/jet/schnej 3 G. Total for user schnej: 3 G sxu - Total for user sxu: 0 G xzhang - Xiaocui Zhang /data/jet/xzhang <.5 G. /data/archive/ajet/xzhang 3 G. Total for user xzhang: 3 G yjiang - /data/jux/yjiang <.5 G. Total for user yjiang: <.5 G zhuofang - Zhuo Fang /data/jet/zhuofang 414 G. Total for user zhuofang: 414 G
Total for billing entity Rao: 1657 G
aadebimpe - /data/jag/aadebimpe 1 G. Total for user aadebimpe: 1 G
Total for billing entity Romer: 1 G
cnds - /data/jag/cnds 16259 G. Total for project cnds: 16259 G emikkelsen - Eli Mikkelsen Total for user emikkelsen: 0 G esatchell - Emma Satchell /data/jag/esatchell <.5 G. Total for user esatchell: <.5 G ysheline - Yvette Sheline Total for user ysheline: 0 G
Total for billing entity Sheline: 16259 G
fsheng - /data/jux/fsheng 527 G. Total for user fsheng: 527 G
Total for billing entity Sheng: 527 G
afamiliar - /data/jag/afamiliar 2 G. Total for user afamiliar: 2 G apersi - Andrew Persichetti /data/jet/apersi 50 G. Total for user apersi: 50 G chboylan - Christine Boylan Total for user chboylan: 0 G coumarc - Total for user coumarc: 0 G dkraemer - /data/archive/jet/dkraemer 35 G. Total for user dkraemer: 35 G dmorales - Dawn Morales Total for user dmorales: 0 G heberlei - Andrea Heberlein /data/archive/fjet/heberlei 2 G. Total for user heberlei: 2 G hmatheson - Heath Matheson /data/archive/jag/hmatheson 58 G. Total for user hmatheson: 58 G iolson - Ingrid Olson /data/archive/fjet/iolson 213 G. Total for user iolson: 213 G jkroff - Jorge Valdes Kroff /data/jet/jkroff 10 G. Total for user jkroff: 10 G jstiso - Total for user jstiso: 0 G kgraves - Total for user kgraves: 0 G lila - Evangelia Chrysikou /data/archive/xjet/lila 86 G. Total for user lila: 86 G lmusz - Lisa Musz /data/jet/lmusz 332 G. Total for user lmusz: 332 G lupyan - /data/archive/ajet/lupyan 11 G. Total for user lupyan: 11 G mbedny - Marina Bedny /data/archive/fjet/mbedny 79 G. Total for user mbedny: 79 G mjohnson - Total for user mjohnson: 0 G mweb - Matt Weber /data/archive/jet/mweb 374 G. Total for user mweb: 374 G ninash - Nina S Hsu /data/archive/jet/ninash 191 G. Total for user ninash: 191 G nozari - N Bonnie Nozari /data/archive/jet/nozari 7 G. Total for user nozari: 7 G ntardiff - /data/tesla-data/ntardiff 1474 G. Total for user ntardiff: 1474 G prabhakr - /data/archive/xjet/prabhakr 166 G. Total for user prabhakr: 166 G robg - /data/archive/jet/robg 18 G. Total for user robg: 18 G roliver - Robyn Oliver /data/archive/jet/roliver 73 G. Total for user roliver: 73 G rwittenberg - Ruthie Wittenberg Total for user rwittenberg: 0 G smartinez - Siera Martinez Total for user smartinez: 0 G ssolomon - Sarah Solomon /data/jet/ssolomon 75 G. Total for user ssolomon: 75 G stevenfr - /data/archive/fjet/stevenfr 38 G. Total for user stevenfr: 38 G thothatm - /data/archive/xjet/thothatm 41 G. Total for user thothatm: 41 G ykenett - /data/jux/ykenett 2897 G. Total for user ykenett: 2897 G zbalewski - Zuzanna Balewski /data/tesla-data/zbalewski 6 G. Total for user zbalewski: 6 G
Total for billing entity Thompson-Schill: 6239 G
dtisdal - /data/picsl/dtisdal 170 G. Total for user dtisdal: 170 G
Total for billing entity Tisdall: 170 G
TOME - /data/jux/TOME 320 G. Total for directory TOME: 320 G
Total for billing entity TOME: 320 G
bshowalter - Brent Showalter Total for user bshowalter: 0 G eavery - Ekene Avery Total for user eavery: 0 G evan - Evan Chen /data/archive/jet/evan 34 G. Total for user evan: 34 G ewencil - /data/archive/jet/ewencil 143 G. Total for user ewencil: 143 G gkaremore - gopal karemore /data/archive/picsl/gkaremore 5 G. Total for user gkaremore: 5 G gongbold - Jeff Duda project account Total for user gongbold: 0 G jjwang - /data/archive/tesla-data/jjwang 68 G. Total for user jjwang: 68 G jmuehlhaus - Juliane Muehlhaus /data/archive/jet/jmuehlhaus 46 G. Total for user jmuehlhaus: 46 G jonyu - Jonathan Yu /data/archive/jet/jonyu 4 G. Total for user jonyu: 4 G jyan - Jianjun Yan Total for user jyan: 0 G kanee - /data/archive/jet/kanee 1 G. Total for user kanee: 1 G kofke - W Andrew Kofke MD Total for user kofke: 0 G licheng - Li /data/archive/jet/licheng 38 G. Total for user licheng: 38 G luftig - Dan Luftig Total for user luftig: 0 G marsm - /data/archive/jet/marsm 125 G. Total for user marsm: 125 G mgalperin - Maya Galperin-Aizenberg <> /data/archive/picsl/mgalperin <.5 G. Total for user mgalperin: <.5 G miraj - /data/archive/picsl/miraj 73 G. Total for user miraj: 73 G mmaguire - Max Maguire /data/archive/picsl/mmaguire 3 G. Total for user mmaguire: 3 G pamattei - peter a. mattei /data/jet/pamattei <.5 G. /data/archive/jet/pamattei 82 G. Total for user pamattei: 82 G picslpal - Total for user picslpal: 0 G sarah - Sarah Eugene /data/archive/picsl/sarah 6 G. Total for user sarah: 6 G seth - Seth Bouvier /data/archive/jet/seth 29 G. Total for user seth: 29 G songgang - Gang Song Total for user songgang: 0 G stephens - Kevin Stephens /data/archive/picsl/stephens 131 G. Total for user stephens: 131 G svillars - Spencer Villars /data/archive/picsl/svillars 5 G. Total for user svillars: 5 G swilliamson - Sigrid Williamson Total for user swilliamson: 0 G tessa - /data/archive/picsl/tessa 2 G. Total for user tessa: 2 G tkim - Taehoon Kim Total for user tkim: 0 G varsha - /data/archive/picsl/varsha 41 G. Total for user varsha: 41 G watsonc - Christine E. Watson /data/archive/jet/watsonc 172 G. Total for user watsonc: 172 G wcwu - /data/archive/fjet/wcwu 37 G. Total for user wcwu: 37 G woojohn - John Woo /data/archive/picsl/woojohn 14 G. Total for user woojohn: 14 G wujue - John Wu Total for user wujue: 0 G yalade - Yewande Alade /data/archive/picsl/yalade 43 G. Total for user yalade: 43 G yan - Yan Wang /data/archive/picsl/yan 610 G. Total for user yan: 610 G yongsheng - ze wang postdoc Total for user yongsheng: 0 G yufeiw - Yufei Wang /data/archive/picsl/yufeiw 5 G. Total for user yufeiw: 5 G
Total for billing entity ToRemove: 1716 G
aashraf - Total for directory aashraf: 0 G admin - /data/picsl/admin <.5 G. /data/jet/admin 1052 G. Total for directory admin: 1052 G _ADMIN_COPY_ - Total for directory _ADMIN_COPY_: 0 G ADNI-data-from-tustison - Total for directory ADNI-data-from-tustison: 0 G ADNI-longitudinal-partial - Total for directory ADNI-longitudinal-partial: 0 G aglenn - Total for directory aglenn: 0 G AIBS - /data/archive/tesla-data/AIBS 190 G. Total for directory AIBS: 190 G ajamrozik - /data/jux/ajamrozik 1078 G. Total for user ajamrozik: 1078 G akhan - Total for directory akhan: 0 G alram - Total for directory alram: 0 G alval - Total for directory alval: 0 G amorapan - Total for directory amorapan: 0 G anani - Ameya Nanivadekar Total for user anani: 0 G anne - /data/archive/fjet/anne 86 G. Total for directory anne: 86 G astiglia - /data/archive/jet/astiglia 140 G. Total for directory astiglia: 140 G auto_neuro_diag - /data/jux/auto_neuro_diag 1721 G. Total for directory auto_neuro_diag: 1721 G AUTO_NEURORAD - /data/XNAT/archive/AUTO_NEURORAD 62 G. Total for directory AUTO_NEURORAD: 62 G barde - Laura Barde /data/archive/jet/barde 4 G. Total for user barde: 4 G benjagreene - /data/archive/xjet/benjagreene 48 G. Total for user benjagreene: 48 G bkeller - Total for directory bkeller: 0 G bkim - Total for project bkim: 0 G bputnam - Brendan Putnam /data/archive/jet/bputnam 58 G. Total for user bputnam: 58 G catherinej - /data/archive/jet/catherinej 6 G. Total for user catherinej: 6 G cbrun - Total for directory cbrun: 0 G CCF_ANXPE_ITK - /data/XNAT/archive/CCF_ANXPE_ITK 44 G. Total for directory CCF_ANXPE_ITK: 44 G CCF_FTDNW_ITK - /data/XNAT/archive/CCF_FTDNW_ITK 446 G. Total for directory CCF_FTDNW_ITK: 446 G CCF_FTDPE_ITK - /data/XNAT/archive/CCF_FTDPE_ITK <.5 G. Total for directory CCF_FTDPE_ITK: <.5 G CCF_FTDSF_ITK - /data/XNAT/archive/CCF_FTDSF_ITK 492 G. Total for directory CCF_FTDSF_ITK: 492 G CCF_FTDSF_TEST - /data/XNAT/archive/CCF_FTDSF_TEST <.5 G. Total for directory CCF_FTDSF_TEST: <.5 G condor - Total for directory condor: 0 G connie - /data/archive/fjet/connie <.5 G. Total for user connie: <.5 G daeunkim - Total for user daeunkim: 0 G dawn - /data/archive/jet/dawn 547 G. Total for project dawn: 547 G dchinapp - Dhinakaran Chinappen /data/archive/jet/dchinapp 60 G. Total for user dchinapp: 60 G denisewu - /data/archive/fjet/denisewu 23 G. Total for directory denisewu: 23 G detre_group - /data/jux/detre_group 417 G. Total for directory detre_group: 417 G dhillon - Total for directory dhillon: 0 G djanuary - /data/archive/xjet/djanuary 96 G. Total for user djanuary: 96 G dkontos - Total for directory dkontos: 0 G dparker - Drew Parker Total for user dparker: 0 G earslan - Total for directory earslan: 0 G eballer - Total for directory eballer: 0 G eenglund - Erin Englund /data/jet/eenglund <.5 G. /data/archive/jet/eenglund 5 G. Total for user eenglund: 5 G EIP - /data/XNAT/archive/EIP 7 G. Total for directory EIP: 7 G ejanss - Total for user ejanss: 0 G ejordan - Total for directory ejordan: 0 G eokafor - Total for directory eokafor: 0 G evaheu - /data/archive/jet/evaheu <.5 G. Total for user evaheu: <.5 G exports - /data/archive/fjet/exports 3 G. Total for directory exports: 3 G feiler - /data/archive/xjet/feiler 867 G. Total for user feiler: 867 G fsdata - /data/archive/jet/fsdata 1 G. Total for project fsdata: 1 G fspace - /data/archive/jet/fspace <.5 G. Total for project fspace: <.5 G gabriel - /data/archive/fjet/gabriel 56 G. Total for directory gabriel: 56 G gillihan - /data/archive/jet/gillihan 19 G. Total for user gillihan: 19 G grantw - Grant Walker 480-229-2600 /data/archive/jet/grantw 18 G. Total for user grantw: 18 G hajcak - /data/archive/jet/hajcak 14 G. Total for user hajcak: 14 G hshi - hui shi /data/archive/jet/hshi 76 G. Total for user hshi: 76 G huiz - Total for user huiz: 0 G husiyuan - Siyuan Hu /data/archive/jag/husiyuan 334 G. Total for user husiyuan: 334 G itapesc - Total for directory itapesc: 0 G jasmuth - /data/archive/jet/jasmuth 59 G. Total for directory jasmuth: 59 G jhalab - /data/archive/ajet/jhalab 534 G. Total for directory jhalab: 534 G jianbin - Total for directory jianbin: 0 G jimenezr - /data/archive/fjet/jimenezr 30 G. Total for directory jimenezr: 30 G jing - /data/archive/jet/jing 1 G. Total for project jing: 1 G jkrompin - Jason Krompinger /data/archive/jet/jkrompin 17 G. Total for user jkrompin: 17 G jmorton - Jessica Morton Total for user jmorton: 0 G jshenton - /data/archive/fjet/jshenton 3 G. Total for directory jshenton: 3 G junk2 - Total for directory junk2: 0 G junkfile - Total for directory junkfile: 0 G jzhou - Total for directory jzhou: 0 G kadivar - /data/archive/ajet/kadivar 182 G. Total for directory kadivar: 182 G keerthic - Keerthi Chandrasekaran /data/archive/jet/keerthic <.5 G. Total for user keerthic: <.5 G kimberg - Total for user kimberg: 0 G kprehn - /data/archive/jag/kprehn 35 G. Total for directory kprehn: 35 G kternes - Total for directory kternes: 0 G laurelB - /data/archive/jet/laurelB 25 G. Total for project laurelB: 25 G lburrell - Lauren Burrell /data/archive/jet/lburrell <.5 G. Total for user lburrell: <.5 G liuyang - Total for directory liuyang: 0 G llminkof - /data/archive/xjet/llminkof 260 G. Total for user llminkof: 260 G lmbylsma - Lauren Bylsma /data/archive/fjet/lmbylsma 2 G. Total for user lmbylsma: 2 G local - /data/picsl/local 69 G. Total for directory local: 69 G mackey - Total for directory mackey: 0 G marcie - /data/archive/fjet/marcie 34 G. Total for directory marcie: 34 G markje - /data/archive/xjet/markje <.5 G. Total for user markje: <.5 G markus - Michal Arkuszewski Total for user markus: 0 G martinreivich - /data/archive/fjet/martinreivich 1 G. Total for user martinreivich: 1 G martinw - /data/archive/jet/martinw 84 G. Total for project martinw: 84 G mattku - Matthew Ku 845-596-3840 /data/archive/jet/mattku 17 G. Total for user mattku: 17 G mchurgin - Matthew Churgin Total for user mchurgin: 0 G mckennaj - Jaime McKenna Total for user mckennaj: 0 G MELA - /data/jux/MELA 3881 G. Total for directory MELA: 3881 G MELA-temp - Total for directory MELA-temp: 0 G MEMORIES - /data/XNAT/archive/MEMORIES 23 G. Total for directory MEMORIES: 23 G mmannell - Maggie Mannell Total for user mmannell: 0 G MR_TEST - /data/XNAT/archive/MR_TEST <.5 G. Total for directory MR_TEST: <.5 G MTLBOLD7T - /data/XNAT/archive/MTLBOLD7T 4 G. Total for directory MTLBOLD7T: 4 G myang - Total for directory myang: 0 G mzhang - Mengsen Zhang Total for user mzhang: 0 G neuroeng - /data/jet/neuroeng <.5 G. Total for project neuroeng: <.5 G newraw - /data/archive/tesla-data/newraw 865 G. Total for directory newraw: 865 G nucifora - Paolo Nucifora Total for user nucifora: 0 G ohsung - Sung Suk Oh Total for user ohsung: 0 G oldhomes - /data/archive/fjet/oldhomes 6 G. Total for directory oldhomes: 6 G olegleon - oleg leontiev Total for user olegleon: 0 G oscf - Oscar Nunez /data/archive/picsl/oscf 6 G. Total for user oscf: 6 G ozum - ozum saygi Total for user ozum: 0 G perryj - Total for directory perryj: 0 G PMCEXVIVO - /data/XNAT/archive/PMCEXVIVO 9 G. Total for directory PMCEXVIVO: 9 G PTPR - /data/XNAT/archive/PTPR 2 G. Total for directory PTPR: 2 G PUBLIC - /data/jet/PUBLIC 2 G. Total for project PUBLIC: 2 G pwang - Ping Wang /data/archive/picsl/pwang 1 G. Total for user pwang: 1 G ramanibalu - Total for user ramanibalu: 0 G raw - /data/archive/fjet/raw 21 G. Total for directory raw: 21 G rbhatia - Ritwik Bhatia <> /data/jet/rbhatia <.5 G. /data/archive/jet/rbhatia <.5 G. Total for user rbhatia: <.5 G retinotopy_sandbox - /data/archive/xjet/retinotopy_sandbox 3 G. Total for directory retinotopy_sandbox: 3 G richdunbar - Richard /data/archive/jet/richdunbar <.5 G. Total for user richdunbar: <.5 G rlangner - /data/archive/fjet/rlangner 89 G. Total for user rlangner: 89 G rmargolis - Rebecca Margolis Total for user rmargolis: 0 G rstaf - Randall Stafford /data/jet/rstaf <.5 G. Total for user rstaf: <.5 G rzorger - Richard Zorger /data/jag/rzorger <.5 G. Total for directory rzorger: <.5 G safron - /data/archive/jet/safron 1 G. Total for project safron: 1 G sarmads - Sarmad Siddiqui /data/archive/jet/sarmads 21 G. Total for user sarmads: 21 G sashank - Sashank Prasad /data/archive/jet/sashank <.5 G. Total for user sashank: <.5 G sassed - Daniel Robert Sasse 609-433-2308 Total for user sassed: 0 G schawla - sanjeev chawla /data/archive/jet/schawla 1 G. Total for user schawla: 1 G seara - /data/archive/fjet/seara 14 G. Total for directory seara: 14 G seugene - sarah eugene Total for user seugene: 0 G skandivar - Total for directory skandivar: 0 G smessing - Samuel Messing 617 538 3445 /data/archive/jet/smessing <.5 G. Total for user smessing: <.5 G smithel.old - /data/archive/jet/smithel.old 144 G. Total for project smithel.old: 144 G smithsa - Sabrina Smith /data/jet/smithsa <.5 G. /data/archive/jet/smithsa 5 G. Total for user smithsa: 5 G songz - /data/archive/jet/songz <.5 G. Total for directory songz: <.5 G sorozco - Sylvia Orozco /data/archive/jet/sorozco <.5 G. Total for user sorozco: <.5 G spalek - /data/archive/fjet/spalek 44 G. Total for user spalek: 44 G srisri - Srihari Sritharan Total for user srisri: 0 G stc - Total for project stc: 0 G suyash - Suyash P. Awate /data/archive/jet/suyash 1 G. Total for user suyash: 1 G szhu - Senhua Zhu /data/archive/yjet/szhu 894 G. /data/archive/jet/szhu 252 G. Total for user szhu: 1146 G tesla-data - Total for directory tesla-data: 0 G test - /data/XNAT/archive/test <.5 G. Total for directory test: <.5 G TOME - /data/jux/TOME 320 G. Total for directory TOME: 320 G vaishnavi - Sanjeev Neil Vaishnavi Total for user vaishnavi: 0 G vajain - /data/archive/xjet/vajain 1 G. Total for user vajain: 1 G veena - /data/archive/fjet/veena 60 G. Total for directory veena: 60 G vidorreta-group - /data/picsl/vidorreta-group 1 G. Total for directory vidorreta-group: 1 G wilsona - /data/archive/fjet/wilsona 36 G. Total for directory wilsona: 36 G winkai - Total for directory winkai: 0 G wjoe - wilson joe /data/archive/jet/wjoe 52 G. Total for user wjoe: 52 G xplu - xiangping lu /data/archive/jet/xplu <.5 G. Total for user xplu: <.5 G xuefeng - /data/archive/fjet/xuefeng 43 G. Total for directory xuefeng: 43 G youngkj - Youngji Kim Total for user youngkj: 0 G zack - /data/archive/fjet/zack 1 G. Total for directory zack: 1 G z_anon_test - /data/XNAT/archive/z_anon_test 2 G. Total for directory z_anon_test: 2 G zhadanov - Sergey Zhadanov Total for user zhadanov: 0 G
Total for billing entity Unknown: 16127 G
fwehrli - /data/jag/fwehrli 379 G. Total for user fwehrli: 379 G jmagland - Jeremy Magland Total for user jmagland: 0 G
Total for billing entity Wehrli: 379 G
sachawla - Total for user sachawla: 0 G swang - Sumei Wang /data/jet/swang 69 G. Total for user swang: 69 G wolf - /data/archive/jet/wolf 95 G. Total for user wolf: 95 G
Total for billing entity Wolf: 164 G
alutz - Total for user alutz: 0 G apilania - /data/jag/apilania <.5 G. Total for user apilania: <.5 G dwolk - David Wolk <> /data/picsl/dwolk 372 G. Total for user dwolk: 372 G gstockbower - Grace Stockbower Total for user gstockbower: 0 G longxie - Long (Darren) Xie /data/tesla-data/longxie 4 G. /data/picsl/longxie 2105 G. /data/jet/longxie 703 G. Total for user longxie: 2811 G mancusol - Lauren Mancuso /data/tesla-data/mancusol 5 G. /data/jet/mancusol 10 G. /data/jux/mancusol 309 G. Total for user mancusol: 324 G mdaffner - Molly Daffner Total for user mdaffner: 0 G mhabes - Total for user mhabes: 0 G wolk_group - /data/jag/wolk_group 4047 G. Total for project wolk_group: 4047 G xnat_AD_FDG-PET - /data/XNAT/archive/AD_FDG-PET 1 G. Total for project xnat_AD_FDG-PET: 1 G xnat_NACC-SC - /data/XNAT/archive/NACC-SC 397 G. Total for project xnat_NACC-SC: 397 G xnat_PMC-CLINICAL - /data/XNAT/archive/PMC-CLINICAL 568 G. Total for project xnat_PMC-CLINICAL: 568 G
Total for billing entity Wolk: 8522 G
aaly - Total for user aaly: 0 G apouch - Alison Pouch /data/picsl/apouch 1536 G. Total for user apouch: 1536 G bumog - /data/jux/bumog 82 G. Total for user bumog: 82 G ccraige - /data/archive/picsl/ccraige <.5 G. Total for user ccraige: <.5 G cis537 - unknown /data/archive/jet/cis537 11 G. Total for user cis537: 11 G dalmau - Oscar Dalmau temp till late march? /data/archive/picsl/dalmau 4 G. Total for user dalmau: 4 G danadler - Dan Adler /data/tesla-data/danadler <.5 G. Total for user danadler: <.5 G gfleishman - /data/picsl/gfleishman 844 G. Total for user gfleishman: 844 G huisun - /data/tesla-data/huisun <.5 G. /data/archive/picsl/huisun 15 G. Total for user huisun: 15 G ioguz - /data/picsl/ioguz 2524 G. Total for user ioguz: 2524 G jarendonk - Total for user jarendonk: 0 G jwsuh - /data/tesla-data/jwsuh <.5 G. /data/archive/picsl/jwsuh 483 G. Total for user jwsuh: 483 G lding - Ling Ding Total for user lding: 0 G lwisse - Laura Wisse /data/picsl/lwisse 308 G. /data/jag/lwisse <.5 G. Total for user lwisse: 308 G maltinay - /data/archive/picsl/maltinay <.5 G. Total for user maltinay: <.5 G mdong - /data/jux/mdong 1507 G. Total for user mdong: 1507 G memamian - /data/jux/memamian 3 G. Total for user memamian: 3 G memories - Paul Yushkevich sleep apnea study Total for user memories: 0 G mhirschorn - /data/jux/mhirschorn 12 G. Total for user mhirschorn: 12 G nagesh - /data/archive/picsl/nagesh 432 G. Total for user nagesh: 432 G octavian - Soldea /data/archive/picsl/octavian <.5 G. Total for user octavian: <.5 G pauly - Paul Yushkevich /data/tesla-data/pauly 573 G. /data/picsl/pauly 3990 G. /data/jet/pauly 120 G. /data/archive/jet/pauly 120 G. Total for user pauly: 4804 G paulypc - /data/tesla-data/paulypc 44 G. Total for project paulypc: 44 G pfiz - /data/tesla-data/pfiz 329 G. Total for project pfiz: 329 G pluta - John Pluta /data/archive/picsl/pluta 389 G. Total for user pluta: 389 G rdeflores - /data/jux/rdeflores 19 G. Total for user rdeflores: 19 G rittyerah - Ranjit Ittyerah /data/picsl/rittyerah 346 G. /data/jet/rittyerah 13 G. Total for user rittyerah: 358 G ruonanwu - /data/archive/picsl/ruonanwu 6 G. Total for user ruonanwu: 6 G sijietian - PICSL summer hire /data/archive/picsl/sijietian <.5 G. Total for user sijietian: <.5 G skadivar - Salmon Kadivar /data/archive/jet/skadivar 22 G. Total for user skadivar: 22 G sravikumar - /data/jux/sravikumar 95 G. Total for user sravikumar: 95 G srdas - Sandhitsu Das /data/tesla-data/srdas 1046 G. /data/picsl/srdas 8131 G. /data/jet/srdas 189 G. Total for user srdas: 9366 G vpiskin - /data/jet/vpiskin 612 G. Total for user vpiskin: 612 G xnat_ASHS - /data/XNAT/archive/ASHS <.5 G. Total for project xnat_ASHS: <.5 G xnat_kineticorskyra - /data/XNAT/archive/kineticorskyra 21 G. Total for project xnat_kineticorskyra: 21 G xnat_NORM - /data/XNAT/archive/NORM 4 G. Total for project xnat_NORM: 4 G xnat_RESTtest - /data/XNAT/archive/RESTtest <.5 G. Total for project xnat_RESTtest: <.5 G xnat_TECHDEV - /data/XNAT/archive/TECHDEV <.5 G. Total for project xnat_TECHDEV: <.5 G ymli - /data/jux/ymli 959 G. Total for user ymli: 959 G
Total for billing entity Yushkevich: 24789 G
total number of projects andusers: 528